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NY Times: Donald Trump's Second Inaguartion * NY Times: Trump Plans to Sign Close to 100 Executive Orders
Rebuttal By
What a spectacle! For those "who know," it was hard not to laugh..The one part real / one part fake Inauguration of 2025 was held indoors, at the Capitol Rotunda, NOT because of "dangerously cold" weather (27 degrees and sunny?), but rather, to conceal the fact that Washington DC remains a virtual Ghost City city under military occupation.
The FAKE part consisted of all the actors and, presumably, the military Special Operatives applauding in the audience. Obviously "Joe Biden," "Kamala Harris," "Hillary Clinton," "Barack Obama," "George Bush," et al were fakes because the originals were -- if you've been paying close attention and understand the language of "comms" -- executed / disappeared years ago. Frankly, "The Editorial Board" of the Anti-New York Times cannot even say with certainty if Trump himself, and his whole family, were even the "real McCoys" as there were observable anomalies -- not the least of which being Trump taking the oath while NOT placing his hand on the bible which Melania (eerily dressed like the Undertaker from pro-wrestling fame) was holding for him..The REAL part, which we are most concerned with, consisted of the bold "authoritarian" proposals which we expect to be actually implemented within short order. There was no "pre-presidency" equivocation here, that's for darn sure. Most of "youse guys" heard it -- end of wars, taming of inflation, restoration of William McKinley's name to the great mountain in Alaska (a HUGE "comm" given the history of McKinley), reclaiming of the Panama Canal, massive development of oil reserves, establishment of Department of External Revenue (tarriffs), massive spending cuts, end of anti-White discrimination, putting God back in the public picture, mass deportations, law and order, declarations of National Emergency, anti-corruption, the coming Golden Age and more. Oh, there's no walking back these bold promises. It's coming.
The Clintons, Bushes & Obama were "raised from the dead" and made to wear purple (the theme color which the Clintons wore to signal the coming coup against Trump in 2017).
1 & 2. 2017: Hand ON Bible vs 2025: Hand OFF Bible. This was probably done so as not to take a false oath on the "Good Book" -- given that Trump has always been Commander, but perhaps not technically "president?" Or perhaps this is an imposter who cannot swear "I Donald J Trump" etc. // 3. Melania Queen of Comms dressed as the Undertaker? Undertaker death theme music has been adopted by the Trump campaign. Deep Staters will die, get it? (replay). // 4. Or is it from V for Vendetta?
Speaking in a calm and measured tone, the Commander (or his doppelganger) recited a whole litany of national failures before stating:
.“All of this will change starting today, and it will change very quickly,. ... The golden age of America begins right now -- a nation “greater, stronger and far more exceptional than ever before. Our sovereignty will be reclaimed. Our safety will be restored. The scales of justice will be rebalanced. Our top priority will be to create a nation that is proud, prosperous and free.”.Tell it, Trump. Tell it!.As for St. Sugar the Crazed Conspiracy Cat and me, the single most ear-perking comment -- in terms of its implications relative to waking the sleepy captive subjects of Normiedom in the near future -- was as follows:.“The journey to reclaim our republic has not been an easy one, that I can tell you. Those who wish to stop our cause have tried to take my freedom and, indeed, to take my life.".Yes, that's right. The Commander just told the whole country -- and much of the world -- in an Inaugural Address no less -- that "they" tried to kill him ("piercing my ear" in Butler, PA). Until now, such insinuations were issued somewhat cryptically and confined to the Trump online echo chamber. The dropping of this little bomblet in such a high visibility public setting portends of something we've been writing about since the FAKE assassination attempt occurred last summer -- specifically this: the unraveling of the "assassination plot" against Trump will, in due time, serve as one of the several BIG ice-breakers needed for shocking the world while opening up avenues to JFK and RFK truth as well. Can you imagine if "Biden" and "Harris" get perp-walked for Butler?.We have a feeling that the fun will be starting very, very early on in Term #3. Pass the popcorn.
1 & 2 . Butler rally attendees (commemorating the previous "assassination attempt," hold up signs reading "Fight! Fight! Fight! --- a slogan which originated with Q in 2018. // 3. Military operatives Crane & Pinzer are leading the Qongressional investigation into the STAGED Butler incident of July, 2024. This will ultimately frame the Deep State for the FAKE event. (* Qongress is only in "make believe" session now)
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Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that Trump is set to sign 100 Executive Orders on Day 1.
.Boobus Americanus 2: Well, we were told to expect this authoritarianism. . St. Sugar: That's right, Boobuss! Nothing Can Sstop What'ss frickin' Coming!!
.Editor: Nothing.
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