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- The Dalai Lama is Tibet’s spiritual leader. He fled in 1959 after China’s occupation.
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NY Times: The Dalai Lama Shares Thoughts on China and the Future in a New Book
Now, as he approaches 90, the spiritual leader of Tibet shares a detailed and personal account of his decades dealing with China.
Rebuttal By
There was a time when the sainted Dalai Lama (bow your head in reverence as you speak his name) was the toast of Globalist leaders in capitals around the world. The "R" George W Bush famously presented this Holy Hoaxster with the Congressional Gold Medal, while the "D" Bathhouse Barry met with "the spiritual leader of Tibet" ™ a number of times, including once after he left office in 2017. But now, in the age of Trump / Q, the Doofus Lama -- condemned and kept exiled as a "demon" by the Chinese -- has, like so many other Cabal agents, lost his halo.
A BBC story from 2019 revealed:
"Relations with the current occupant of the White House are very different. Despite being open to a meeting with President Donald Trump, the Dalai Lama said that Mr Trump, who is close to China's Xi, had never asked for one."
Like the equally hyped-up Poop Francis, the Demon Dalai also criticized Commander Trump for his border and climate policies. He said:
"When he became president he expressed America first. That is wrong,"
F-U, "holy man." F-U
1- Sex-crazed Marxist Loser King used Christianity to shepherd Blacks into the Left's camp. // 2- Poop Frankie the Fake was installed to advocate for homosexuality, open borders, wealth redistribution and the horrible hoax of "Global Warming."
The bowing bozo of Tibet uses Buddhism as a mask for attacking nationalist China at the behest of the Globalist CIA. That is why the puffed-up charlatan was awarded the "Nobel Peace Prize" in 1989.
The lowest specimens of humanity on earth are those who do evil while professing to be holy and spiritual. A regular, run-of-the-mill evil-doer is bad enough; but it takes a special kind of psychopath to keep a straight face while acting all pious and godly. Even the likes of slimy slicksters such as a George Bush or a Bill Clinton might struggle to pull off such an act without bursting out into laughter. But when it comes to phony piety, no one puts on the front better than that Tibetan trickster and pedosexual, the Dalai Lama --- or is that "Dalai Lama."
In 1959, when China invaded Tibet and an uprising against the Chinese failed miserably, the boy Dalai Lama, with the help of the CIA, fled Tibet. The mad monk then made common cause with the CIA because his peculiar cult of primitives wanted their feudal power over their subjects back. Throughout the 1960s, the CIA provided the Tibetan exile movement with millions of dollars for operations against China -- including an annual subsidy of $180,000 for the Dollar Lama. In today's value, that translates into about $1.5 Million per year to the Deranged Dalai-- not a bad haul for the meat-eating Buddhist "holy man." Additional payments went towards the funding of Tibetan guerrilla fighters, including his brothers. So much for that sanctimonious "non-violence" and "peaceful resistance" act that Devious Dalai puts on for his fawning western libtards.
Meanwhile, the Deceitful Dalai remained silent as some of his more demented groupies continued to commit suicide by setting themselves on fire to protest China -- an act which indicates that the Chinese are indeed correct in describing these Tibetan monks as a deranged sub-breed of Buddhists unto themselves.
Whether he is in his final days, or has already been "dealt with" and replaced, we say, good riddance to the Demonic Deep State Dalai.
Why did Globo-Marxists all love the Dalai Lama so much?
Bush -- Pelosi -- Biden (the real one)
Killary --- Obongo -- Merkel
Macron -- Trudeau -- Bono
“As far as socioeconomic theory, I am Marxist. In capitalist countries, there is an increasing gap between the rich and poor.” - Dalai Lama
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Boobus Americanus 1: I read in today's New York Times that the Dalai Lama has a new book out
-Boobus Americanus 2: The Dalai Lama is a holy man who wouldn't harm a fly. .Sugar: Holy man my asss! The doofy lama'ss deafening ssilence encouragess his crazy followerss to keep burning themselvess alive on his behalf.
Editor: Tibetans enjoy more freedom, progress and local autonomy under Chinese rule than they ever did under these felonious fanatics.
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