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NY Times: Trump's Order to Pause Federal Grants Creates Deep Uncertainty for Schools and Nonprofits
Rebuttal By
From the Q York Times article:
"President Trump’s order freezing trillions of dollars in federal grants and loans is his most audacious attempt yet to remake the government in his image by seeking to eliminate all spending on programs that violate his partisan ideology.
“The use of federal resources to advance Marxist equity, transgenderism and green new deal social engineering policies is a waste of taxpayer dollars that does not improve the day-to-day lives of those we serve,” the Office of Management and Budget said in a two-page memo announcing the temporary halt." . Among other things, Commander Trump's flurry of Executive Orders signed in the very opening days of "Trump 47" essentially terminates Federal (UN) efforts to enforce "Diversity" and indoctrinate students with LGBT filth and "Critical Race" self-hatred. During his Inaugural Address, Commander declared: .“We have an education system that teaches our children to be ashamed of themselves in many cases, to hate our country despite the love that we try so desperately to provide to them. All of this will change starting today, and it will change very quickly.” . And indeed it is. . This doesn't just affect colleges now. By way of the funding/defunding mechanism of the Department of Education -- (while that unnecessary institution still exists) -- sanity will soon trickle down to the nation's elementary and high schools as well. Of course, the Trump EOs have already triggered the predictable Mantra Moaning about the "chilling effect" ™ that the EOs will have upon "Academic Freedom." ™ Let the demented and desperate denizens of pointyheaded Quackademia -- (who have been "chilling" ™ our speech for decades!) -- boo and hiss to their black hearts' content -- because nothing can stop what is coming.
“The use of federal resources to advance Marxist equity, transgenderism and green new deal social engineering policies is a waste of taxpayer dollars that does not improve the day-to-day lives of those we serve,” the Office of Management and Budget said in a two-page memo announcing the temporary halt." . Among other things, Commander Trump's flurry of Executive Orders signed in the very opening days of "Trump 47" essentially terminates Federal (UN) efforts to enforce "Diversity" and indoctrinate students with LGBT filth and "Critical Race" self-hatred. During his Inaugural Address, Commander declared: .“We have an education system that teaches our children to be ashamed of themselves in many cases, to hate our country despite the love that we try so desperately to provide to them. All of this will change starting today, and it will change very quickly.” . And indeed it is. . This doesn't just affect colleges now. By way of the funding/defunding mechanism of the Department of Education -- (while that unnecessary institution still exists) -- sanity will soon trickle down to the nation's elementary and high schools as well. Of course, the Trump EOs have already triggered the predictable Mantra Moaning about the "chilling effect" ™ that the EOs will have upon "Academic Freedom." ™ Let the demented and desperate denizens of pointyheaded Quackademia -- (who have been "chilling" ™ our speech for decades!) -- boo and hiss to their black hearts' content -- because nothing can stop what is coming.
"Academic Freedom," eh Libtards?
Calling the dauntless defenders of "Free Speech" and "Academic Freedom" of Fake News and Quackademia..... Hello?... Hello? .... (sound of crickets)
In the era of Trump / Q, we have noticed more and more "mainstream conservatives" invoking the name of the late great Senator Joseph McCarthy -- but not in the usual negative manner. Even our lesser "FOXtard" brethren are finally coming around to the idea that "St. Joseph of Wisconsin," as we like to refer to him, was, well -- darn right after all!.Boy was he ever! And the most fitting way to end today's rebuttal to the commies' whiny appeal to"academic freedom"™ is to quote from the last pages of McCarthy's 1952 pamphlet, "McCarthyism: The Fight for America" -- in which the patriotic prophet, writing at a time when the Globalist-enabled Marxist takeover of education was not all that noticeable, rebutted their phony arguments..McCarthy on Education and "Academic Freedom".“Every man and woman in America can appoint himself or herself to undo the damage which is being done by Communist-minded teachers and Communist-line textbooks. Countless times I have heard parents throughout the country complain that their sons and daughters were sent to college as good Americans and returned four years later as wild-eyed radicals. The education system of this country cannot be cleansed of Communist influence by legislation. It can only be scrubbed and flushed and swept clean if the mothers and fathers, and the sons and daughters of this nation individually decide to do this job..This can be your greatest contribution to America. This is a job which you must do if America and Western Civilization are to live. I warn you, however, that the task will not be a pleasant one. When you detect and start to expose a teacher with a Communist mind, you will be damned and smeared. You will be accused of endangering academic freedom. Remember, to those Communist-minded teachers, academic freedom means their right to force you to hire them to teach your children a philosophy in which you do not believe..To Communist-minded teachers, academic freedom means their right to deny you the freedom to hire loyal Americans to teach your children. We cannot win the fight against Communism if Communist-minded professors are teaching your children. We cannot lose the fight against Communism if loyal Americans are teaching your children.”.Tell it, Senator. Tell it!
1. In Joe McCarthy's day, the problem was still mainly confined to the universities. Today, the pinko poison has trickled down to even the kindergarten level. // 2. St. Joseph of Wisconsin, by yours truly --- a MUST READ! // 3. The lovely Marxist lesbian Randi Weingarten (cough cough) heads the United Federation of Teachers. Enough said.
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Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that Trump's Executive Orders may have a chilling effect upon academic freedom.
Boobus Americanus 2: The right wing is always imposing its views on people. *St. Sugar: Oh yeah, Boobuss sshit for brainss? Tell me then, who controlled the press, academia, book publisshing, big tech and Hollywood all these years? Right wingerss? Editor: No. That would be "the usual suspects" posing as "White Guys."
Boobus Americanus 2: The right wing is always imposing its views on people. *St. Sugar: Oh yeah, Boobuss sshit for brainss? Tell me then, who controlled the press, academia, book publisshing, big tech and Hollywood all these years? Right wingerss? Editor: No. That would be "the usual suspects" posing as "White Guys."
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