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NY Times: ‘Beyond Disgusted’: Dana White Blasts UFC Fighter Bryce Mitchell’s Praise for Hitler
Rebuttal By
The pattern continues. Yet again, the unjustly tarnished name of The Great One (that's Hitler for you newbies and normies) is back in the news -- and not by accident. UFC Mixed Martial Arts fighter Bryce Mitchell, speaking on his new podcast, “ArkanSanity,” referred to Hitler as “a good guy, based upon my own research.”
"I honestly think that Hitler was a good guy. He fought for his country. He wanted to purify Germany by kicking the greedy Jews out that were destroying his country and turning them all into gays. He didn't want a bunch of queers destroying his nation"
He fought for his country.
“They were gaying out the kids, they were queering out the women, they were queering out the dudes…you know where the first transgender surgery ever was? Happened to be in Germany, before Hitler took over. You know the books that everybody makes fun of Hitler burning, you know what the books was? Queer books. Hitler burned queer books! Because Hitler didn’t want a bunch of queers destroying his nation, they can’t produce children.””.“Was Hitler perfect? No. But he was fighting for his people......There’s no possible way they could’ve burned and cremated six million bodies.”
Tell it, Bryce. Tell it!
UFC boss, and Trump / Q agent, Dana White wasted no time in amplifying (deliberately) Mitchell's comments with feigned outrage:
“I’ve heard a lot of dumb, ignorant shit in my day, but this one’s probably the worst. When you talk about Hitler, he was responsible for the death of six million Jews and he tried to completely eliminate a race of people. Hitler was one of the most disgusting and evil human beings to ever walk the face of the Earth. And anyone that even tries to take an opposing position is a moron. ... He needs a real education on Hitler and World War 2”
There is an old adage: "There is no such thing as bad publicity." And with the COG Continuity of Government media further amplifying this affair (again, by design), a new crop of curious Hitler Truth newbies is sure to sprout up, in due time. Most telling of all is White's strong defense of Mitchell's right to say what he wants on his new podcast. Unlike pro-Hitler, "antisemitic," anti-homosexual, "Holohoax" Denial comments of years past -- (the organized career-wrecking persecution of Marge Schott, Anita Bryant, David Irving and so many others comes to mind) -- no "disciplinary" measures will be taken against Mitchell by the UFC. Even YouTube hasn't removed his podcast!
From the article:
"Mitchell will not face discipline from UFC, White said, citing free speech. “I don’t have to love it, you don’t have to love it,” he said. “That’s the beautiful thing about this business, for all of you who hate Bryce Mitchell, you get to see him hopefully get his ass whooped on global television.”
Well played, Mr. White --- and Commander "I denounce antisemitism" Trump -- well played.
Dana White is the undisputed master of the UFC +
Trump & Q give directions to White =
Mitchell & White deliberately started a new conversation about "Hitler and World War 2”
For those who have not assiduously tracked the daily development of "the movie" these past 8 years, such an analysis would seem far-fetched -- the product of the overactive imagination of an overly optimistic fanatic. But a review of how this event is just the latest in an unmistakable pattern, and NOT a "one off," is very telling. Consider the following well publicized "controversies" initiated by Trump / Q operatives:
The Q operative character "Elon Mask" pounding his chest and giving that "Hitler salute" which so interested the COG media
A Michigan Anglican priest being defrocked for mimicking the same "Nazi salute" at the annual National Pro-Life Summit in Washington
Q operative Tucker Carlson inviting a World War 2 "revisionist" on his podcast to bash Churchill for starting the war
Trump staging a rally at Madison Square Garden just before Election Day 2023 -- which COG media and COG Democrats compared to a pro-Hitler rally held there by German-Americans in 1939
Q operative Candace Owens repeated forays into the Allied atrocities committed during and after World War 2
Q operative Joe Rogan promoting AI German-to-English translations of Hitler speeches
A Trump campaign ad with a newspaper image in the background referencing a "unified Reich."
Trump's Hitlerian reference to the "poisoning of blood of our country"
Trump's "Nazilike" reference to "vermin" that needed to be "rooted out"
Patterns, boys and girls. Patterns. --- Now, don't expect full blown Berlin-type rallies to be coming to an NFL stadium near you anytime soon. But what this unmistakable PATTERN does portend, in our view, is that the unfolding Great Awakening will also encompass a badly overdue correction of Fake History. The "Editorial Board" of The Anti-New York Times has been at the forefront of this lonely effort for a long time now. Believe me when I say that although there is still a long way to go --- never before have so many people ON THE RIGHT been so receptive to hearing World War 2 Truth --- without instantly frothing at the mouth. That's a good thing.
Rogan, "Mask" and many other Trump / Q agents are playing the same game as the UFC is --- with COG media giving free publicity.
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Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that a famous UFC fighter has just been condemned for praising Hitler and denying the Holocaust.
Boobus Americanus 2: First Tucker, then Rogan, then Musk, now this. There seems to be more and more of this Nazi stuff happening on the right lately. *St. Sugar: Ya oughtta look into it, Boobuss! Editor: Read "The Bad War" -- banned by Amazon at the behest of the Anti-Defamation League. HERE
Boobus Americanus 2: First Tucker, then Rogan, then Musk, now this. There seems to be more and more of this Nazi stuff happening on the right lately. *St. Sugar: Ya oughtta look into it, Boobuss! Editor: Read "The Bad War" -- banned by Amazon at the behest of the Anti-Defamation League. HERE
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