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NY Times: South Africa Fires Back at Trump’s False Claim of Land Seizures
President Cyril Ramaphosa of South Africa said that his country had not seized land. Ownership of land in the country has been a contentious issue for generations.
Rebuttal By
Ever since the Globalist-Marxist Axis of Evil and its "do gooder" Libtard Legions of idiot dupes imposed the Red terrorist Nelson Mandela and his African National Congress upon the once first-rate nation of South Africa, it's been pretty much downhill ever since for all but the connected classes (both Black and Traitor Whites) of that nation which European settlers -- known as Boers (mainly Dutch, some French) -- built from nothing and were ultimately dispossesed by the Globo-Black Alliance. The hardest hit by ANC's policies have been the persecuted White Christian farmers who fed the nation. In the "lucky" cases, they were simply robbed of their land. But the less fortunate ones (and, in some cases, their entire families) have been slaughtered by demons who took the lyrics of the song "Kill the Boer" to heart.
The sad plight of South African farmers has not only been kept hidden from the captive subjects of western Normiedom, moreover, it has been socially forbidden to even speak of them. That would be "racist," dontcha know? No -- we are all supposed to blindly believe the teary-eyed, goose-bumpy fecal fiction that Mandela and his gang constructed a "new South Africa" in which forgivingly merciful Blacks now rule justly over a happy and prosperous bi-racial nation that has "overcome" its Apartheid past. Such sanctimonius puke!
But things are destined to improve, as World Commander Trump's unexpected Truth Bomb seems to now confirm.
1. Murderous Mandela (died in 2013), his sick, twisted wife at the time, Winnie, and Jewish South African chief of the SA Communist Party Joe Slovo show their true colors. // 2. The book is "Kill the Boer" -- after a "folk song" that ANC members (including Mandela & Slovo) often sang in public. // 3. White crosses represent the murdered farmers of South Africa.
With a single Trump "Truth" --- greatly amplified (by design!) by the one man megaphone that is "Elon Mask" as well as the rest of COG / Q media -- South Africa Truth is "on the table!" From the article:.South Africa’s president fired back at President Trump on Monday after the American leader accused the South African government of “confiscating land” and “doing some terrible things, horrible things.”
.“We look forward to engaging with the Trump administration over our land reform policy and issues of bilateral interest,” Mr. Ramaphosa said.
.During his first term as president, Mr. Trump claimed that land seizures from white South Africans were rife, a false narrative pushed by some right-wing groups in South Africa. Mr. Trump said on Sunday in posts on Truth Social and comments to reporters that the United States would cut off aid to South Africa pending an investigation into the country."
Now, if "youse guys" have been paying attention, you should already know that everything being put forth by the Commander as a new policy proposal or a threat to do this or that is all part of the necessary theater which has to play out. Whether the issue is Ukraine, the Panama Canal, the Middle East, Greenland, tariffs, exposure of corruption, justice for South Africa etc. -- understand that the associated deals and actions have already been agreed upon or actually taken place. The statement by Ramaphosa says it all, albeit in "code." To reiterate:
"We look forward to engaging with the Trump administration over our land reform policy."
Translation: A truly "new South Africa" is already in the works -- one in which anti-White hatred will no longer be propagated and land appropriation will no longer be tolerated. Thank Q World Commander.
Q operatives (posting under the accounts of Trump and "Mask") -- have dropped truth bombs ending the myth of South African "tolerance." A "new South Africa" (just like a "new Israel") is coming.
* This just in, from a Real News & History follower on Twitter / X:
I already have a South African friend telling me horrific stories he never spoke of before. Him and his wife have been crying all day (since hearing of Trump's comments). Most definitely from "end in sight."
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Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that Trump is accusing South Africa of treating White farmers very badly.
Boobus Americanus 2: But I thought South Africa had overcome its racial problems? *St. Sugar: You ain't never "thought" sshit, Boobuss! You jusst repeat what'ss on the frickin' tellie! Editor: It was the bizarre intensity of Mandela Mania -- (which included a ticker-tape parade on Wall Street!) -- that led me to take my first low dosages of John Birch Society Red Pills back in 1990.
Boobus Americanus 2: But I thought South Africa had overcome its racial problems? *St. Sugar: You ain't never "thought" sshit, Boobuss! You jusst repeat what'ss on the frickin' tellie! Editor: It was the bizarre intensity of Mandela Mania -- (which included a ticker-tape parade on Wall Street!) -- that led me to take my first low dosages of John Birch Society Red Pills back in 1990.
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