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Don't be at a loss for words the next time some stupid "normie" says to you: "That's a conspiracy theory." No truther should be without this report!
March 28, 2024
The surviving column
The Fateful Minutes Before a Bridge Crumpled in Baltimore
Rebuttal By
When assessing this "bridge too far" of a story coming out of Baltimore, one of George Washington's wise admonitions comes to mind:
"Be not hasty to believe flying reports...."
The talking heads of Conspiracy Inc. were really flinging their unvetted turds yesterday. To hear Breathless Bannon, Loony Logan, and fear-porn peddler extraordinaire Mike Adams tell it, America was attacked in such a critical area that doom was just around the corner. "The pilot was a Ukrainian! You can see charges going off! This will trigger an economic collapse!"
Here at "The Editorial Board." of The Anti-New York Times, the emphasis is on getting it right, not getting it first. As a result of the "wait and see" approach, ANYT, though still not able to crack the entire mystery, can now say with confidence:
1. This was a White Hat operation
2. Nobody died (we reject the story about the 6 Guatemalan pothole fixers).
3. The "critical infrastructure" doom scenario was grossly exxagerated.
From P.C. -- an avid ANYT reader who lives about 15 miles away from Baltimore:
"The main north-south corridor is I-95, not I-695 (Baltimore’s beltway). It, along with I-895 has a tunnel traveling under that same body of water. The only restriction in its use is that no hazardous waste and other toxins may use the tunnels. Thus, the eastern route around Baltimore via I-695 is used. The route for those vehicles will now be the western route on I-695. Quite a bit longer, but not that bad."
No harm to people nor to the nation's "critical infrastructure" --- and no breathless attribution to the big bad Muslims or the bigger and even badder Rooskies all adds up to White Hats, NOT the Black Hats.
Bannon, Logan, Adams --- The doom porn artists will do what they always do --- but the loss of this bridge isn't actually the national disaster they had immediately assumed it to be, nor was the act the work of an enemy.
There can be no doubt, of course, that the Francis Scott Key Bridge is indeed in the drink now. One can't just say that a 1.6 mile bridge is gone while it's actually still standing there --- although, if it were still there, some normies would indeed deny their own eyes. But upon closer inspection of the videos and images coming out of Baltimore, we cannot accept the "live video" of the crash and house-of-cards collapse as authentic. Furthermore, daytime photos of the aftermath show very little remnants of the formidable concrete column which was supposedly struck by the MV Dali. Similar to how we asked, back in 2001 -- "Where's the plane?" -- when analyzing post 9-11 damage photos of the Pentagon "crash" -- one may now reasonably ask: "Where's the support column?" Was it entirely uprooted?
Now, as to the question of motive, well, we're still working on that one. But we do believe that this operation was executed for the same unknown reason as that 2021 incident in which another container ship, owned by the Evergreen line, blocked the Suez Canal. It's all about the containers -- which can be used to smuggle drugs, weapons or enslaved humans, including children.
Everybody just relax. Patriots are in control.
* Editor's Note: Killary Clinton's self-chosen Secret Service codename was Evergreen (here).
1. Evergreen, 2001 /// 2 & 3. Painting, 1945: "The Broken Bridge and the Dream," by Salvador Dali
Boobus Americanus 1: I read a harrowing account in the New York Times today about the final moments leading up to the bridge collapse in Baltimore.
Boobus Americanus 2: It's a good thing they closed the bridge in time.
St Sugar: White Hat stunts don't kill innocent people, Boobus!
Editor: No they do not.
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