Report #1 Commander Trump: America's Secret Ruler (full web article below)
Report # 3 (Video) Trump Hints that the Real Joe Biden was Executed (Link to Video)
Report # 2 Trump Controls 60,000 Secret Military Agents (Link to Page)
Report # 4 (Video) Is Trump Planning to Expose the Truth About 9-11? (Link to Video)
Commander Trump: America's Secret Ruler A Timeline of the Greatest True Story in World History
By Mike King / Real News & Real History
Deep State Operative Ed Snowden Tries to Take Out the NSA
The Globalists and their underlings fear the US military's National Security Agency (NSA) because they know that the NSA has all of the digital dirt on their evil activities (Emails, texts, I-phone images, phone conversations, social media posts, offshore financial records, etc). Even though the information is not legally usable (no warrant) the Cabal is not comfortable with their secrets in the hands of military patriots. For that reason, CIA agent Edward Snowden is sent to infiltrate the NSA, and then -- with great international media fanfare -- flee the country and "blow the whistle" on the agency for "spying on Americans" and foreign leaders. The Deep State hopes to create enough phony outrage to trigger a movement to shut down the NSA and transfer its awesome eavesdropping capabilities to the CIA instead. The scheme ultimately flops, but now you know what it was truly all about.
2009-2015President Obama Fires 197 Patriotic Generals and Admirals
In preparation for the unjust foreign wars and domestic subversion to come, NWO Cabal agent Barack Obama purges the military of officers suspected of being in disagreement with his treasonous agenda. The Cabal wants only compliant and fearful stooges commanding the Armed Forces, not moral patriots.
The deliberate decimation of military brass is so unprecedented that even the media takes notice. But the remaining "White Hat" faction of the military has got a secret master plan up its sleeve -- a "Trump Card," so to speak. 2012-2015Trump is Recruited and Prepped by Patriotic Military LeadersRather than have to stage a violent coup and trigger a genocidal left-right Civil War, military patriots hatch an elaborate "legal" scheme to break the power of the long and deeply entrenched worldwide Satanic-Rothschild-Soros-Mossad-CIA-Fake News-Hollywood Cabal through a different type of warfare. To that end, patriotic businessman Donald Trump is recruited to run for the highest office in the land. To learn more about this New World Order Cabal, please read my, "Crash Course NWO: 250 Years of Globalist Conspiracy in Just One Hour."
The deliberate decimation of military brass is so unprecedented that even the media takes notice. But the remaining "White Hat" faction of the military has got a secret master plan up its sleeve -- a "Trump Card," so to speak. 2012-2015Trump is Recruited and Prepped by Patriotic Military LeadersRather than have to stage a violent coup and trigger a genocidal left-right Civil War, military patriots hatch an elaborate "legal" scheme to break the power of the long and deeply entrenched worldwide Satanic-Rothschild-Soros-Mossad-CIA-Fake News-Hollywood Cabal through a different type of warfare. To that end, patriotic businessman Donald Trump is recruited to run for the highest office in the land. To learn more about this New World Order Cabal, please read my, "Crash Course NWO: 250 Years of Globalist Conspiracy in Just One Hour."
This 60-page large-print, illustrated Booklet is Dynamite in the Hands of Truthers. Grab a bunch and help deprogram the "Normies" in your life! Amazon Page Here
November 8, 2016Trump Shocks the World!
With the invisible army of military operatives (White Hats) protecting and supporting him, the Trump forces are able to suppress just enough computerized Democrat voter fraud to win the 2016 presidential election and save America from the Cabal's chosen candidate -- the vile Satanic witch, Hillary Clinton. But before Trump is even inaugurated, the Deep State is already putting plans into effect to take down Trump for "colluding" with Russia to somehow rig the election. Because the military's all-seeing NSA and other military intelligence agencies are also backing Trump, various necessary and brilliant countermoves are put in motion.
January 20, 2017Trump Sends the Cabal a Threatening Coded Message During His Inauguration
During his inauguration speech speech, a group of military men strangely arrive on stage and flank the new president just as he is speaking about giving the country back to its people. The soldiers and officers stay for less than one minute, and then depart as Trump is still speaking. The media was left scratching their heads over the meaning of this bizarre sudden military presence -- while some communists expressed concern over it. (here)
The answer to this mystery lies in the striped hats which the two officers flanking Trump were wearing. The officer on the left was from the NSA (which gathers evidence) --- and the officer on the right was from JAG (which uses evidence to prosecute criminals in military tribunals.) Boom!
May, 2017The Mueller Investigation
Trump's enemies believe that the Mueller investigation will concoct a way to ruin Trump for "colluding" with Russia. Little do they know that Mueller, an ex-Marine, works for Trump! In reality, it is Trump's enemies who are being investigated by Mueller. Trump ultimately receives "a clean bill of health" from Mueller -- but Tony Podesta -- the disgusting pervert powerbroker who collects child-torture & murder "art" -- ends up losing everything after the Mueller probe "inadvertently" stumbles across evidence of wrongdoing related to his DC lobbying firm. God only knows what other evidence Mueller has gathered on other criminals, while pretending to investigate his boss, Trump!
October 5 & 6, 2017
Trump Threatens a Coming "Storm"
While surrounded by various military generals and their spouses at a White House function, Trump teases the reporters present with a cryptic reference to a coming storm. The New York Times describes the strange incident:
"President Trump was clearly looking to make some kind of news, but about what, exactly, was not clear. And the mystery only deepened the next day. Gesturing to his guests, he said, “You guys know what this represents? Maybe it’s the calm before the storm.”
“What’s the storm?” asked one reporter. “Could be the calm before the storm,” Mr. Trump repeated, stretching out the phrase, a sly smile playing across his face.
“From Iran?” ventured another reporter. “On ISIS? On what?” “What storm, Mr. President?” asked a third journalist, a hint of impatience creeping into her voice.
Mr. Trump brought the questions to an end. He praised his guests as the “world’s great military people” and excused the stymied reporters, who returned to their workstations to start another round of: What was the president talking about?"* Trump ends the questions by saying, "You'll find out." The following day, when curious reporters attempt to again follow up on what Trump meant by "the calm before the storm," the president continues to tease them, mischievously winking as he again states: "You'll find out." (watch the brief embedded ABC News video below)
Mr. Trump brought the questions to an end. He praised his guests as the “world’s great military people” and excused the stymied reporters, who returned to their workstations to start another round of: What was the president talking about?"* Trump ends the questions by saying, "You'll find out." The following day, when curious reporters attempt to again follow up on what Trump meant by "the calm before the storm," the president continues to tease them, mischievously winking as he again states: "You'll find out." (watch the brief embedded ABC News video below)
Politico Magazine
1. Obama made war against patriotic generals and admirals. To prevent World War III and the final Cabal takeover, the White Hats approached Trump to front for their worldwide operation. // 2. Trump, flanked by NSA and JAG, sends a cryptic inauguration message to the Cabal -- essentially this: "We are going to kill all of you!"
1. During the debates, Trump openly threatened to appoint a Special Prosecutor to investigate Hillary -- (who is both a child sex-trafficker and a sadistic Satan-worshipping witch) -- and have her imprisoned. He was not joking! The prosecutor was Mueller and Hillary has been disappeared and replaced. That is why Trump repeatedly referred to the Mueller Investigation as "Witch Hunt" -- get it? // 2 & 3. Fronting for the mighty US military, Trump took great delight in telling his enemies what was coming -- that being "the Storm."

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October 28, 2017
The Start of "Q Anon" and "The Storm"
Just 3 weeks after Trump's remarks about the coming "storm," an anonymous forum poster or posters -- claiming to be part of a secretive military intelligence operation backing Trump in his war against Satanic Globalists -- begins dropping "crumbs" in a forum known as 4-chan, under a sub-forum titled, you guessed it: "The Storm!" We learn over time that this operation -- designed so as to avoid a conventional coup and civil war -- comprises four main elements, under which all under objectives fall:
* 1. A massive international sting operation directed at the Deep State Globalist Cabal and its agents
* 2. The clever injection of evidence obtained without a warrant (NSA surveillance etc) into the legal system
* 3. The legal deployment of US National Guard and regular military personnel to round up the evil-doers -- assisted by Putin of Russia, Xi of China, and many other political, military and intel operatives from around the world
* 4. The gradual awakening of the brainwashed American and world public by use of manufactured but necessary "scares" stage-managed by the White Hats (border invasion, economic distress, faked wars, possible civil unrest etc.)
November 1, 2017Q Foretells of Trump Invoking the 1792 Insurrection Act (amended 1807)
In his 22nd post, dated November 1, 2017, the anonymous character -- soon to be known as "Q," poses an interesting question hinting at the invoking of The Insurrection Act and the powers it would give to a president in a state of emergency. To enhance your understanding, the answers to the Q questions are provided, by yours truly, in red.
Q:Who controls the NG? (National Guard -- state units can be federalized by the US President)
Can the NG work in coordination w/ the marines? (Yes)
September 12, 2018 Trump's Executive Order 13848 on "Election Interference"Trump's declaration of a "national emergency" relating to "foreign election interference" (CIA overseas operations) grants him broad powers to entrap and destroy political and intelligence operatives who engage in election fraud. He is already positioning the Deep State for the great sting of 2020. December 20, 2018 Trump's Executive Order 13818 on "Serious Human Rights Abuse and Corruption"Trump's declaration of a "national emergency" relating to human trafficking and extreme corruption grants him the power to seize the assets of those involved and even disappear (and replace) them. This is why the Deep State seems to be no longer capable of turning out massive rent-a-mobs to "spontaneously protest" in favor of their agenda. It is also why so many prominent celebrities and billionaires have been selling off assets. Sometime in 2019 Retired VP Biden Arrested and Replaced Among the many people disappeared (presumably executed at Guantanamo Bay prison in Cuba) and replaced with a mask-wearing imposter is Joseph Biden --- a known "extreme" crook and pedosexual degenerate. Trump would later jokingly tease that: "Biden is shot. He's got half of his head left. .... Joe doesn't know he's alive.... It's not the same guy. He acts different. He looks different." (video compilation of Trump teasing Biden's execution by firing squad)
- Do conditions need to be satisfied to authorize? (There must be an insurrection)
- What former President used the military to save the republic? (Abe Lincoln)
- and what occurred exactly? (the US Civil War)
September 12, 2018 Trump's Executive Order 13848 on "Election Interference"Trump's declaration of a "national emergency" relating to "foreign election interference" (CIA overseas operations) grants him broad powers to entrap and destroy political and intelligence operatives who engage in election fraud. He is already positioning the Deep State for the great sting of 2020. December 20, 2018 Trump's Executive Order 13818 on "Serious Human Rights Abuse and Corruption"Trump's declaration of a "national emergency" relating to human trafficking and extreme corruption grants him the power to seize the assets of those involved and even disappear (and replace) them. This is why the Deep State seems to be no longer capable of turning out massive rent-a-mobs to "spontaneously protest" in favor of their agenda. It is also why so many prominent celebrities and billionaires have been selling off assets. Sometime in 2019 Retired VP Biden Arrested and Replaced Among the many people disappeared (presumably executed at Guantanamo Bay prison in Cuba) and replaced with a mask-wearing imposter is Joseph Biden --- a known "extreme" crook and pedosexual degenerate. Trump would later jokingly tease that: "Biden is shot. He's got half of his head left. .... Joe doesn't know he's alive.... It's not the same guy. He acts different. He looks different." (video compilation of Trump teasing Biden's execution by firing squad)
1. The entire Q - Trump operation is referred to as "The Storm " // 2. White Hat operative "Stormy" Daniels's performance in the "movie" was a key element. // 3. Stumbling, mumbling, bumbling "Joe Biden," whoever he may be, is another great actor.
January 2020
The Covid Hoax is Sprung Upon Trump
In an effort to crash the economy, remove Trump from office with mail-in ballot fraud, lock down the world for 5 years, usher in "The Great Reset" world government mandating that everyone on the planet receives a vaccine containing a microchip -- the Covid hoax is unleashed with maximum power and energy. This will be the beginning of the end for the Deep State. Trump is forced to roll with this mighty punch before ending the deadly lock downs through the military supervised "Warp Speed" vaccine. It was the only way to break the blockade. Trump -- now referring to himself as a "wartime president" fighting "an invisible enemy" -- used the cover of the lockdowns to disappear many celebrities and Deep State operatives in accordance with his powerful Executive Order on human rights abuse and extreme corruption.
November 3, 2020The Stolen Election of 2020
Trump could easily have stopped the election fraud of 2020; but that would have defeated the whole purpose of the sting operation. In due time, all of the evidence will be presented in the 2024 criminal trials aimed at Trump -- trials which he himself has engineered for this purpose.
Q Posts of November & December 2020 After the surprise election "loss," Q posts explain, albeit a bit cryptically, that things "had to be this way" and that the election crime (treason) was a deliberate set up (a sting) and monitored all along. The Q plan calls for chaos and crisis to be unleashed while the imposter "Biden" is president. In this way, Trump keeps his hands clean and cannot be accused of playing political games when the revelations begin to flow. * Author's Note: Q never actually said that Biden is an imposter. That is our logical inference. But Q does indeed make it clear that we are "watching a movie" with many "great actors." December, 2020 Trump Cleans Out the Pentagon Civilian Board and Appoints Key People Before supposedly "leaving office," Trump cleans out the Pentagon's Civilian Board and appoints a new Defense Secretary (Chris Miller) as well as other key figures. Why would a departing president make such moves when the incoming president will be appointing his own people anyway? Answer: Trump was planning to secretly stay in role as Commander-in-Chief of an emergency occupation "Continuity of Government" regime! January 6, 2021Trump Invokes The Insurrection Act
Trump baited the Deep State by calling for a massive rally in protest of the stolen election. He knew in advance that they would send agents, dressed as Trump supporters, to make an ugly scene in order to embarrass and then impeach / convict Trump so that he could never run for president again. Trump then posts a brief video on Twitter in which he essentially recites the exact verbiage needed to satisfy the legal requirement for putting the Insurrection Act into effect.
Section 334 of The Insurrection Act, titled, Proclamation to Disperse, reads: "Whenever the President considers it necessary to use the militia (NG) or the armed forces under this chapter, he shall, by proclamation, immediately order the insurgents to disperse and retire peaceably to their abodes (homes) within a limited time." Later that afternoon, Trump posts a brief video to his Twitter feed during which he clearly recites the precise language required ("go home" -- "peace" -- "now") to invoke the Insurrection Act and make himself the emergency commander of a military-run government that relies primarily upon special forces, intelligence maneuvers, psychological operations and other forms of "irregular" warfare -- instead of overt physical combat. Military, political and intelligence patriots in nations all around the world continue to assist in this historic battle of good vs. evil. * Trump's Proclamation to Disperse // January 6th: "You have to go home now. We have to have peace. .... We have to have peace. So go home ...... go home and go home in peace." (1 Minute Video here) Trump --- while pretending to be a powerless victim -- is now America's Supreme Commander. Under his orders, Twitter removes his account. In time, Trump's Truth Social will play some sort of important role when "the storm" is ready to go public.
Q Posts of November & December 2020 After the surprise election "loss," Q posts explain, albeit a bit cryptically, that things "had to be this way" and that the election crime (treason) was a deliberate set up (a sting) and monitored all along. The Q plan calls for chaos and crisis to be unleashed while the imposter "Biden" is president. In this way, Trump keeps his hands clean and cannot be accused of playing political games when the revelations begin to flow. * Author's Note: Q never actually said that Biden is an imposter. That is our logical inference. But Q does indeed make it clear that we are "watching a movie" with many "great actors." December, 2020 Trump Cleans Out the Pentagon Civilian Board and Appoints Key People Before supposedly "leaving office," Trump cleans out the Pentagon's Civilian Board and appoints a new Defense Secretary (Chris Miller) as well as other key figures. Why would a departing president make such moves when the incoming president will be appointing his own people anyway? Answer: Trump was planning to secretly stay in role as Commander-in-Chief of an emergency occupation "Continuity of Government" regime! January 6, 2021Trump Invokes The Insurrection Act
Trump baited the Deep State by calling for a massive rally in protest of the stolen election. He knew in advance that they would send agents, dressed as Trump supporters, to make an ugly scene in order to embarrass and then impeach / convict Trump so that he could never run for president again. Trump then posts a brief video on Twitter in which he essentially recites the exact verbiage needed to satisfy the legal requirement for putting the Insurrection Act into effect.
Section 334 of The Insurrection Act, titled, Proclamation to Disperse, reads: "Whenever the President considers it necessary to use the militia (NG) or the armed forces under this chapter, he shall, by proclamation, immediately order the insurgents to disperse and retire peaceably to their abodes (homes) within a limited time." Later that afternoon, Trump posts a brief video to his Twitter feed during which he clearly recites the precise language required ("go home" -- "peace" -- "now") to invoke the Insurrection Act and make himself the emergency commander of a military-run government that relies primarily upon special forces, intelligence maneuvers, psychological operations and other forms of "irregular" warfare -- instead of overt physical combat. Military, political and intelligence patriots in nations all around the world continue to assist in this historic battle of good vs. evil. * Trump's Proclamation to Disperse // January 6th: "You have to go home now. We have to have peace. .... We have to have peace. So go home ...... go home and go home in peace." (1 Minute Video here) Trump --- while pretending to be a powerless victim -- is now America's Supreme Commander. Under his orders, Twitter removes his account. In time, Trump's Truth Social will play some sort of important role when "the storm" is ready to go public.
1. At some point during the Covid hoax, Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx were informed that their dirty game was over and that they would be executed. The dejected looks on their respective faces in this image speaks volumes. // 2a. Trump will expose the stolen election (enabled by the Covid hoax) when the timing is perfect. 2b. Even before the January 6th takeover, Trump was already purging the Defense Department and the Pentagon Policy Board. Cabal operatives were replaced with trusted White Hats instead.
Trump lured the Deep State into January 6th. He then used the very riot which they themselves created to institute the Insurrection Act, by the book (with some bended rules!)
The Final Quiet Cleansing of The Cabal
After the January 6th proclamation, any state or federal official, as well as any journalist who continues to cover up the truth about the stolen election is guilty of insurrection and can be placed under arrest or under "do as we say" submission. The emergency occupation powers can now dictate to the government and to the media. At this point, the game is over. All that remains is the benevolent manipulation and delicate deprogramming of the brainwashed public (the "normies').
January 20, 2021 Fake Inauguration Day * DC is Totally Militarized Commander Trump surrounds and occupies Washington DC with an astonishing 25,000 federalized National Guard troops hailing from all 50 states. * The Singing of "Amazing Grace" This song is sung at funerals, not inaugurations! It was sung for "Biden" by "Garth Brooks." * "Biden" is Sworn-In at the Wrong Time! The media and the nation are distracted by a sparsely attended fake inauguration in which "Biden" was sworn-in 12 minutes early (never happened before). * Trump Receives Presidential Honors from MilitaryPrior to departing DC aboard Air Force 1, Trump is honored with a red carpet, a rendition of "Hail to the Chief," and a presidential 4-cannon 21-volley salute. * "Biden" Attends his Own FuneralA procession of black limousines departs from the inauguration and heads for Arlington National Cemetery (never happened before) where a bugler plays the funeral song "taps" and "Biden" is given the customary 3-cannon salute (never happened before) for funerals. He did NOT receive the standard 21-shot salute from 4 cannons that is required military protocol.
2021-2024 The Masked Imposter Works for Trump! * December 18, 2023: "Biden" extends Trump's Executive Order on Human Rights Abuse (here)* September 7, 2023: "Biden" extends Trump's Executive Order on Foreign Election Interference (here)* "Biden" Breaks His Promise to close the military prison at Gitmo (here)
2024 Media Warns of Trump's Coming Military DictatorshipWe are hearing this drumbeat constantly now. The purpose isn't to warn the public of the coming military deployments; but rather, to prepare the normies for the public phase of The Storm. The military patriots are in charge and have been in control (but perhaps not yet 100%) since January 6th. And that control includes oversight of the media now --- which is why the White Hats are able to run the same type of sophisticated psychological hoax operations that The Cabal ran for so many decades. The difference is, the scams are for the benefit of humanity now. Given the extent of the brainwashing and the delicate nature of the normie ego, it has to be this way.
What's to Come in 2024?After the military White Hats have staged crisis events, both domestically and in foreign affairs, Trump, either by proper installment or by election, will, in due time, return as the hero who saves the day. He will then wield his emergency power, no longer in secret, but openly. and with the public's blessing. The world will then witness the "tape delay" version of the "storm" (mass arrests, prosecutions, executions etc) which has actually already played out. The dangerous players had to be removed first, before the public can be gradually informed of their hideous crimes --- child sex trafficking and ritual torture murder foremost among the evils.
The year 2024 -- no matter what necessary domestic and world war scares are thrown at us -- will be glorious. Trust the Plan --- and thank Trump and the military for eradicating the Globalist New World Order!
January 20, 2021 Fake Inauguration Day * DC is Totally Militarized Commander Trump surrounds and occupies Washington DC with an astonishing 25,000 federalized National Guard troops hailing from all 50 states. * The Singing of "Amazing Grace" This song is sung at funerals, not inaugurations! It was sung for "Biden" by "Garth Brooks." * "Biden" is Sworn-In at the Wrong Time! The media and the nation are distracted by a sparsely attended fake inauguration in which "Biden" was sworn-in 12 minutes early (never happened before). * Trump Receives Presidential Honors from MilitaryPrior to departing DC aboard Air Force 1, Trump is honored with a red carpet, a rendition of "Hail to the Chief," and a presidential 4-cannon 21-volley salute. * "Biden" Attends his Own FuneralA procession of black limousines departs from the inauguration and heads for Arlington National Cemetery (never happened before) where a bugler plays the funeral song "taps" and "Biden" is given the customary 3-cannon salute (never happened before) for funerals. He did NOT receive the standard 21-shot salute from 4 cannons that is required military protocol.
2021-2024 The Masked Imposter Works for Trump! * December 18, 2023: "Biden" extends Trump's Executive Order on Human Rights Abuse (here)* September 7, 2023: "Biden" extends Trump's Executive Order on Foreign Election Interference (here)* "Biden" Breaks His Promise to close the military prison at Gitmo (here)
2024 Media Warns of Trump's Coming Military DictatorshipWe are hearing this drumbeat constantly now. The purpose isn't to warn the public of the coming military deployments; but rather, to prepare the normies for the public phase of The Storm. The military patriots are in charge and have been in control (but perhaps not yet 100%) since January 6th. And that control includes oversight of the media now --- which is why the White Hats are able to run the same type of sophisticated psychological hoax operations that The Cabal ran for so many decades. The difference is, the scams are for the benefit of humanity now. Given the extent of the brainwashing and the delicate nature of the normie ego, it has to be this way.
What's to Come in 2024?After the military White Hats have staged crisis events, both domestically and in foreign affairs, Trump, either by proper installment or by election, will, in due time, return as the hero who saves the day. He will then wield his emergency power, no longer in secret, but openly. and with the public's blessing. The world will then witness the "tape delay" version of the "storm" (mass arrests, prosecutions, executions etc) which has actually already played out. The dangerous players had to be removed first, before the public can be gradually informed of their hideous crimes --- child sex trafficking and ritual torture murder foremost among the evils.
The year 2024 -- no matter what necessary domestic and world war scares are thrown at us -- will be glorious. Trust the Plan --- and thank Trump and the military for eradicating the Globalist New World Order!
On Inauguration Day Day, Trump received a full presidential 21-gun salute, whereas "Biden" (sworn-in at the wrong time) was sent to Arlington National Cemetery for his own symbolic funeral service -- with guns and bugler consistent with a funeral, NOT an inauguration.
Red cap from the Campaign Store of Trump 2024 ---- 45 THROUGH 47 --- get it?
Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming!
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