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World War 2 -- The Bottom of the Rabbit Hole
France Invaded Germany
THREE TIMES in 25 Years!
By Mike King
This ought to dispel the myth of "German militarism," once and for all! Just like the original opening lines of the misunderstood and grossly misrepresented German anthem "Deutschland Uber Alles" used to proclaim:**Germany, Germany above all * (Deutschland uber alles)Above everything in the world * (in terms of love for Germany)When, always, for protection and defenseBrothers stand together**Catch that? For "protection and defense" --- NOT aggressive conquest.
A little known fact of World War I is that Germany was the LAST of the great European powers to mobilize her military. In order to kick off the war, the French (allied with Britain & Russia) had crossed into German territory on numerous occasions, even dropping bombs from the primitive airplanes of the day. Germany's two-front push against The Triple Entente powers and "neutral" Belgium was provoked and necessary for self-defense..Germany's war declaration correctly recited the fact that Germany had made every effort to resolve any differences peacefully, but that France "interposed obstacles to a peaceful understanding." The first soldiers and the first bombs to cross borders were French going into Germany, and that's a fact!
Another post-World War I truth buried by Fake Historians is the fact that the oppression and looting of Germany -- which fueled the growth of Hitler's liberation movement -- was backed up by the occupation of German territories and re-invasion of others. The main enforcers of this criminal enterprise aimed at disarmed Germany were France and Franco-British puppet Belgium. French Africans were also brought in -- some of whom, either through consent or by force, would later sire the "Rhineland Bastards."
“The adulteration by Negro blood on the Rhine in the heart of Europe is just as much in keeping with the perverted sadistic thirst for vengeance of this hereditary enemy of our people, as is the ice-cold calculation of the Jew thus to begin bastardizing the European continent at its core and to deprive the white race of the foundations." - Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf
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