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The Story of the Wilhelm Gustloff: The Worst Maritime Genocide in History
By Mike King
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We have all heard the sad story of the suspicious sinking of the Titanic in April, 1912 -- a tragedy that resulted in the deaths of 1,500 people. Countless books, TV documentaries and even Hollywood films have kept the memory of that fateful night alive for more than 100 years.
We have all heard the sad story of the sinking of the Lusitania in May, 1915 -- a World War I tragedy engineered by British Lord of the Admiralty Winston Churchill and his American counterpart, U.S. Naval Secretary Franklin D. Roosevelt. About 1,200 passengers perished in that equally memorable disaster.
But did you know that neither of those two epic events was the greatest maritime tragedy in maritime history -- not even close?! There was a sinking in 1945 which claimed the lives of (are you sitting down?) an estimated 9,500 innocent people. That equates to about the total dead of the Titanic, plus the total dead of the Lusitania, plus about another 7,000! It's true. Why haven't you heard of this, you ask? Why no documentaries -- no movies -- no annual remembrances? Well, you see, human lives don't count if the victims were German civilians during World War II. But they do matter to So, here is their story --a day after the 80th Anniversary.
Editor's Note: There were several other similar incidents in early 1945 with death tolls ranging between 3,000 - 6,000.
The mass death events of the luxury liners Titanic and Lusitania were immoralized. Not so for the far worse 1945 sinking of the Wilhelm Gustloff!
Who was Wilhelm Gustloff?.Wilhelm Gustloff (January 30, 1895 - February 4, 1936) was the founder and leader of the Swiss NSDAP / AO (the National Socialist Party organization for German citizens abroad.) He lived in Davos, Switzerland and worked for the Swiss government as a meteorologist..Gustloff had originally joined the NSDAP in 1929, and put much effort into the distribution of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a document purporting to reveal the existence of a worldwide Jewish conspiracy aimed at world domination. On February 4, 1936, a Croatian-Jewish student named David Frankfurter, heeding the worldwide call for Jewish "Holy War" against the German people, knocked on the door of Gustloff's home. When Mrs. Hedwig Gustloff answered the door, Frankfurter told her that he had come there to visit Gustloff..Hedwig showed the stranger into the study and asked him to wait there while her husband finished his telephone call. When Gustloff entered the study to greet his unexpected guest, Frankfurter drew his pistol and shot Gustloff four times in the head and chest. Screaming hysterically, Hedwig ran to the study and watched her husband die. The cold-blooded killer calmly walked out and turned himself in to local authorities.
Germans and Swiss were horrified by the senseless murder of a good man who had neither harmed nor threatened anyone. The Great One himself (that's Hitler for you newbies & normies) and some of Germany's top brass attended the State funeral service. The following year, a luxury ship was launched, named in Gustloff's honor. Hitler was again present at the ceremony as Helga Gustloff christened the massive liner, the M.S. Wilhelm Gustloff.
Three and 1/2 years before World War II had even started, the demon Frankfurter murdered Wilhelm Gustloff in front of his wife.
After the war, the demon Frankfurter was released from a Swiss prison and then spent the rest of his life as a "hero" in the Shitty Little State --- so proud of his evil act that he wrote about it!
January 30, 1945: The Sinking of the Wilhelm Gustloff.
By January of 1945, innocent and peaceful Germany's days were numbered. General George Patton wanted to take Berlin, but Allied Commander and Globalist traitor Dwight Eisenhower would not allow it. Eisenhower's deliberate delaying tactics in the Western front allowed Stalin's raping and murdering Soviet hordes to push eastward into Germany..As the Red Army and the cruel Jewish NKVD units advanced, millions of terrified German civilians - a majority of which were women, children and elderly - fled westward by land and sea. On land, the refugees endured cruel bombardment and aerial strafing from American, British and Soviet airplanes. But the sea-based refugees faced a different kind of threat.
Upon setting sail that frigid and fateful night, the MV Wilhelm Gustloff was packed shoulder-to-shoulder with an estimated 10,000 -12,000 refugees! Soon after leaving its Baltic Sea port, the doomed ship was sighted by Soviet Submarine commander Alexander Marinesko. After tracking his human prey for several hours, the Soviet killer fired three torpedoes into the ship’s port side. During the ensuing panic, many passengers were trampled to death as they fled to the decks..The Wilhelm Gustloff sank in just 45 minutes -- coincidentally, on the birthday of its namesake, Wilhelm Gustloff. German ships arrived quickly and plucked about 1000 survivors from the wintry waters as the cold claimed the lives of all the rest. It is the greatest disaster at sea in world history, and not 1 in 1,000 people has ever even heard about it. Yet we all sure enough know the name of "Anne Frank," don't we? Why is that?.Now that YOU know the story --share it with others.
Discover many more buried truths such as this in Mike King's classic: THE BAD WAR
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