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Don't be at a loss for words the next time that some stupid "normie" says: "That's a conspiracy theory." No truther should be without this report!
Trump's Poison Pills Expose Jewish Mafia By Mike King
No one delivers a poison pill in a sugar-coated capsule quite like Commander Trump. So adept is he at this game of subtle shit-stirring that even many amongst us "far right" folks -- unable to (or unwilling to) understand the chess that he is playing -- still believe that Trump is just another "shabbos goy" in slavish service to "the usual suspects."
Here are just a few examples of Trump's game of sugary poison:
* Trump on Bill Clinton (2016 FOX interview):"Bill Clinton. Nice guy (the sugar) -- but he's got some problems with that Island -- Epstein's. (the poison).
* Trump on the Israel Lobby (2021 radio show):"Israel literally owned Congress (the poison)... And it was so powerful. It was so powerful (more poison). And today it's almost the opposite ... Israel is no longer a force in Congress anymore. It's amazing. I've never seen such a change.... Israel had such power over Congress (still more poison), and rightfully so (the sugar), and now it doesn't."
* Trump on Bibi Satanyahoo“I liked Bibi. I still like Bibi. (the sugar) But I also like loyalty. The first person to congratulate Biden was Bibi. And not only did he congratulate him, he did it on tape. He was very early — like, earlier than most. I haven’t spoken to him since. F*ck him." (the poison)
I said, 'Bibi, you don't want to make a deal. Do you?' And he said, 'Well, uh, uh uh' — and the fact is, I don't think Bibi ever wanted to make a peace deal." (more poison) * Trump on the imaginary "Wag the Dog" War in Gaza "I stand with Israel" (the sugar). ... "But Israel has to be very careful because you’re losing a lot of the world, you’re losing a lot of support (the poison).
*There are many more examples of this effective tactic -- a trick which your activist reporter here, not lacking in cunning himself -- has used often to penetrate radio call-in shows. I would start out by telling the screener, and then the host, how insightful and thought-provoking his commentary was: "Hi Geraldo (Rivera). Long time listener, first time caller. Love your delivery and your content man!" ---- And then, I'd transition and casually drop a quickie truth bomb before the stunned screener could scramble and end the call within the 5-second time lag. That, in essence, is what Trump is doing to fight the Jewish Mafia.
Here are just a few examples of Trump's game of sugary poison:
* Trump on Bill Clinton (2016 FOX interview):"Bill Clinton. Nice guy (the sugar) -- but he's got some problems with that Island -- Epstein's. (the poison).
* Trump on the Israel Lobby (2021 radio show):"Israel literally owned Congress (the poison)... And it was so powerful. It was so powerful (more poison). And today it's almost the opposite ... Israel is no longer a force in Congress anymore. It's amazing. I've never seen such a change.... Israel had such power over Congress (still more poison), and rightfully so (the sugar), and now it doesn't."
* Trump on Bibi Satanyahoo“I liked Bibi. I still like Bibi. (the sugar) But I also like loyalty. The first person to congratulate Biden was Bibi. And not only did he congratulate him, he did it on tape. He was very early — like, earlier than most. I haven’t spoken to him since. F*ck him." (the poison)
I said, 'Bibi, you don't want to make a deal. Do you?' And he said, 'Well, uh, uh uh' — and the fact is, I don't think Bibi ever wanted to make a peace deal." (more poison) * Trump on the imaginary "Wag the Dog" War in Gaza "I stand with Israel" (the sugar). ... "But Israel has to be very careful because you’re losing a lot of the world, you’re losing a lot of support (the poison).
*There are many more examples of this effective tactic -- a trick which your activist reporter here, not lacking in cunning himself -- has used often to penetrate radio call-in shows. I would start out by telling the screener, and then the host, how insightful and thought-provoking his commentary was: "Hi Geraldo (Rivera). Long time listener, first time caller. Love your delivery and your content man!" ---- And then, I'd transition and casually drop a quickie truth bomb before the stunned screener could scramble and end the call within the 5-second time lag. That, in essence, is what Trump is doing to fight the Jewish Mafia.
One form of calculated poison-pilling that really gets the Judenpresse squealing is when Trump praises the Israel-worshipping Evanglical Scofield Bible lunatics (the sugar) -- but then, in the next breath, criticizes American Jews for not being as pro-Israel as the Scofieldtards (the poison which calls attention to Jewish dual loyalty). Whereas the Trump-hating Black Pill addicts on the "far right" will only see the pro-Israel sugar; the more astute among us will smell out the real message that Trump is sending.
Let's analyze an article from a few years back which appeared in The New York Intelligencer magazine, titled: Trump Claims Israel Controlled Congress, Jews Run New York Times;
and subtitled: The Most Anti-Semitic President in History
Trump: People in this country that are Jewish no longer love Israel (The sugar: Trump is speaking in the context of one who is saddened by Jews who don't love Israel). ... I've said this for a long time: The Jewish people in the United States either don't like Israel or don't care about Israel. (The poison: Trump is telling the Israel Firsters and Likudniks that everyone, even many Jews, are sick of them!) Analysis: Trump is exploiting the very real division between the Israel Firsters and those Jews who really don't identify with -- and in many cases, even loathe -- Israeli ultra-nationalism (and there are plenty.)
Trump: I'll tell you, the evangelical Christians love Israel more than the Jews in this country.Analysis: This is calculated to reassure the many millions of Israel-worshiping "Judeo-Christian" crazies that Trump still loves Israel and that he identifies with the Evangelicals. Nauseating as it may sound, it is absolutely critical to prevent Israel's paid "pastors" from counterattacking Trump --- as some already have been.
Trump: It used to be that Israel had absolute power over Congress. And today I think it’s the exact opposite. And I think Obama and Biden did that.Analysis: Trump, as he has done before, again repeats the "anti-Semitic trope" that Israel controlled the US Congress (the poison). Blaming Obama and Biden for the loss of this influence is only a strategic disclaimer --- implying that Israel's weakened position is a bad thing (the sugar).
Trump: I mean, you look at The New York Times. ---- The New York Times hates Israel, hates them. And they’re Jewish people that run the New York Times. I mean, the Sulzberger family.Analysis: Oh no he didn't! ---- Oh yes he just did!Trump prefaced his coming attack in the context of his professed love for Israel (the protective sugar). Then, he outed the "Jewish people" -- specifically, the almighty Sulzbergers -- before millions of Americans who were previously unaware of this mighty Jewish clan which controls the hated New York Slimes. (a massive dose of poison)
*Though the planted "far right" traitors in our ranks (and their innocent Black Pill dupes) will continue to shout "but, but, muh Jared Kushner -- but, but muh Jerusalem Embassy" -- but, but muh Trump wore a beanie cap at the Wailing Wall --- rest assured that the "usual suspects" know EXACTLY what Trump is doing. This is clearly evidenced by the sound of the usual suspects screaming that Trump is "invoking anti-Semitic tropes."
Trump: People in this country that are Jewish no longer love Israel (The sugar: Trump is speaking in the context of one who is saddened by Jews who don't love Israel). ... I've said this for a long time: The Jewish people in the United States either don't like Israel or don't care about Israel. (The poison: Trump is telling the Israel Firsters and Likudniks that everyone, even many Jews, are sick of them!) Analysis: Trump is exploiting the very real division between the Israel Firsters and those Jews who really don't identify with -- and in many cases, even loathe -- Israeli ultra-nationalism (and there are plenty.)
Trump: I'll tell you, the evangelical Christians love Israel more than the Jews in this country.Analysis: This is calculated to reassure the many millions of Israel-worshiping "Judeo-Christian" crazies that Trump still loves Israel and that he identifies with the Evangelicals. Nauseating as it may sound, it is absolutely critical to prevent Israel's paid "pastors" from counterattacking Trump --- as some already have been.
Trump: It used to be that Israel had absolute power over Congress. And today I think it’s the exact opposite. And I think Obama and Biden did that.Analysis: Trump, as he has done before, again repeats the "anti-Semitic trope" that Israel controlled the US Congress (the poison). Blaming Obama and Biden for the loss of this influence is only a strategic disclaimer --- implying that Israel's weakened position is a bad thing (the sugar).
Trump: I mean, you look at The New York Times. ---- The New York Times hates Israel, hates them. And they’re Jewish people that run the New York Times. I mean, the Sulzberger family.Analysis: Oh no he didn't! ---- Oh yes he just did!Trump prefaced his coming attack in the context of his professed love for Israel (the protective sugar). Then, he outed the "Jewish people" -- specifically, the almighty Sulzbergers -- before millions of Americans who were previously unaware of this mighty Jewish clan which controls the hated New York Slimes. (a massive dose of poison)
*Though the planted "far right" traitors in our ranks (and their innocent Black Pill dupes) will continue to shout "but, but, muh Jared Kushner -- but, but muh Jerusalem Embassy" -- but, but muh Trump wore a beanie cap at the Wailing Wall --- rest assured that the "usual suspects" know EXACTLY what Trump is doing. This is clearly evidenced by the sound of the usual suspects screaming that Trump is "invoking anti-Semitic tropes."
None have dared to call out the 125 year old Sulzberger Dynasty by name and ethnicity-- until Trump.
Trump's strategic courting of Evangelicals put him in a position in which he was able to deal strongly with Israel. Though some paid pastors turned on him (see headlines below), Trump will not lose the Christian-Zio crazies.
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