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NY Times: My Last Column: Finding Hope in an Age of Resentment
OpinionPaul Krugman
Rebuttal By
Another one bites the dust!
Prior to the Q Operation's secret COG (Continuity of Government) takeover of "the paper of record," Sulzberger's stable of seditious scribblers onced housed many journalistic jackasses -- none more deviously despicable than the publicly puffed-up commie columnist and "Nobel Prize-winning" ™ economist, Paul Krugman. Now that this Trotskyite gnome has quit the Slimes, "The Editorial Board" here at The Anti-New York Times will face an even bigger challenge in finding fallacious material to refute and rebut. That's how much the putrid propagandists at Manhattan's Mendacious Manure Factory have improved their behavior in recent years, notwithstanding the obligatory residual Libtardation which, for the sake of maintaining "street cred" in the eyes of the readership, they still produce each day.
As for Krugman, the following "prestigious" achievements tell us all we need to know about this wretched fiend whose verbose but empty blah-blah so captivated his goofy groupies:.1. A respectful Time Magazine cover2. A Nobel Prize awarded for "economics"3. A Pulitzer Prize nomination for "journalism".
And now, this living legend and go-to guru of the psuedointellectual Left (or his Q stand-in) has departed -- but, interestly enough, not before issuing a final one-line whine about the "QAnon-type conspiracy theorizing" taking hold in America, and another about "Elon Musk."
Paul Krugman was Bathhouse Barry's Number 1 apologist!
Krugmanomics: Borrow, Spend, Inflate -- Borrow, Spend, Inflate -- Borrow, Spend, Inflate -- Borrow, Spend, Inflate
Between his Slimes salary, book royalties from his numerous "best-sellers" and edited textbooks (27 books in all!), paid speeches and his part-time college teaching gigs -- Krugman has been well-compensated for his inflationary Fake Economics.
We believe that the notoriously anti-White, anti-Trump, anti-American Krugman, and many other Slimes subversives, were already "dealt with" several years ago. Though some may simply be operating "under submission," our hunch is that Krugman -- due to offenses far more serious than the propagation of Marxist socio-economic propaganda -- may have been one of the first to be dispatched to his father, Satan.
You see, Krugman, it seems, was -- just like his Economics idol John Maynard Keynes -- a pedosexual. His own unforced preemptive explanation for the discovery of child pornography on his computer is quite revealing in an unintentional sort of way. From a January 2020 Hill Magazine article titled: Paul Krugman: My Computer was Hacked to ‘Download Child Pornography’ --
"New York Times columnist Paul Krugman wrote Wednesday that his computer had been hacked and that someone was “using it to download child pornography. Someone compromised my IP address and is using it to download child pornography,” Krugman said in a tweet to his 4.6 million followers.
“I might just be a random target. But this could be an attempt to Qanon me,” he added. “It’s an ugly world out there.” . Of course. It had to be one of us Q Anon crazies who planted the kiddie porn on your computer, eh Paulie? Wondering now if it was "snuff" (murder porn) as well. Sorry Pauline -- the "Board" here just ain't buyin' it, nor did the NSA / JAG Alliance ("we have it all") -- who would certainly have properly disposed of your perverted person by now. . Winning.
“I might just be a random target. But this could be an attempt to Qanon me,” he added. “It’s an ugly world out there.” . Of course. It had to be one of us Q Anon crazies who planted the kiddie porn on your computer, eh Paulie? Wondering now if it was "snuff" (murder porn) as well. Sorry Pauline -- the "Board" here just ain't buyin' it, nor did the NSA / JAG Alliance ("we have it all") -- who would certainly have properly disposed of your perverted person by now. . Winning.
Upon realizing the "methinks he doth protest-too much" blunder of his preemptive explanation for the kiddie porn on his computer, Krugman frantically deleted (that same day!) the original tweet --further explaining "The Times thinks it may have been a scam." Too late Paulie, because THE INTERNET IS FOREVER!
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Boobus Americanus 1: I read in today's New York Times that Paul Krugman is stepping down.
-Boobus Americanus 2: No way! For many of us, Paul Krugman WAS the New York Times. .Sugar: Good riddance to that Fake Newss filth!
Editor: It's amazing. All the Slimes stalwarts have either left or strangely "moderated" their tone to the point that they are no longer reCOGnizable.
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