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NY Times: Historians Adopt a Wait-and-See Stance Toward Latest Trove of Kennedy Documents. - NY Times: Trump Set Off a 24-Hour Scramble Among National Security Officials to Release the Documents.
A tranche of documents tied in some way to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy was released late Tuesday. No major new details were found immediately, but scholars said it would take time to sift through them all.
Rebuttal by
If you were expecting instant wall-to-wall "smoking gun" disclosure of the true culprits behind the 1963 assassination of President John F Kennedy, then you are no doubt disappointed, but you shouldn't be. After all, we have had numerous "smoking guns" for years already -- first and foremost being the "Zapruder Film" clearly showing JFK being shot in the side of the head (parts of his skull and brains blowing out the back), NOT from behind. We also know who JFK's powerful enemies were. So, unless and until trumpeted word from high government officials and the "mainstream" press comes down from Mount Olympus, no amount of documents will move Normiedom anyway. That was not the point of the incomplete document dump.
In football parlance, this release, similar to the Epstein 'Nothing Burger," is not yet the exciting long range "touchdown" pass we've all been waiting for. But it does represent a continuation of the slow grind, yard by yard forward progress that cannot be stopped. After 61 years, normies are once again hearing about the "conspiracy theories" surrounding the history-altering event -- (with younger ones learning of this stuff for the first time) -- while being introduced to interesting (though nothing terribly remarkable) data. This tedious drama is not for us, boys and girls. It's for normies -- and to the extent that the public mind has been passively prepped for more and more revelations, the release went perfectly and the ongoing analysis of these 1,123 pdf files is far from over.
Although, frankly, in the opinion of this Q-Tard, White Hat Productions is now in a dominant enough position that the pace can be safely accelerated without jeopardizing the success of the "Great Awakening" operation. Let's have some long "pass plays" now! Just my two cents.
We already, for the most part, know the "how" and the "who." Normies won't believe it until it is "officially" declared.
The grinding Miami Dolphins of the early 1970s played a slow "boring" style of small gain after small gain "three + yards and a cloud of dust" football -- all the way to two consecutive Super Bowl championships.
Quoted in this article are Ivy League eggheads whose days of telling us all what to think about historical events are numbered. Professor Fredrik Logevall of Harvard:
“I doubt that these releases are going to overturn our understanding of what happened on that terrible day in Dallas."
Professor Tim Naftali of Columbia said that his review of the documents (so soon?) convinced him that previously redacted information had not been classified due to a coverup conspiracy, but only "to protect the C.I.A.’s sources and methods."
God, how I HATE these "whorestorians!" As bad as Fake journalists.
It remains to be seen if the murders of JFK and RFK will be properly blamed -- and in a UNIVERSALLY public and undeniable manner -- on Israel's Mossad and its notorious network of "American" helpers, aka "Sayanim." But there were some promising indicators already discovered in the released documents. Specific mentions of the "Israeli Intelligence Service," confirmation of CIA-Mossad linkages, and a "hearsay" reference to monied "Jewish backers" engineering an assassination plot have got the mighty Blogosphere / Manosphere buzzing about Israeli involvement. For the Q / Trump operation to NOT "go all the way" now would represent a hugely disappointing and deliberately cruel rug-pull which, given how far we've come, would seem unimaginable.
Remain optimistic. Nonetheless, the 100% Truth Bomb hasn't exploded, until it explodes. Stay tuned.
Ivy League Professors Fredrik Logevall and Tim Naftali are still peddling the absurd Warren Commission "findings." The only difference between such characters and a common street whore is that her transactions are more honest.
Echevarria (a Cuban exile) allegedly made a comment the day before the assassination of President John F Kennedy that "We now have plenty of money — our new backers are Jews. As soon as they take care of Kennedy....'We now have plenty of money -- our new backers are Jews -- as soon as 'we' (or they) take care of Kennedy...."
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Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that historians are going through the JFK documents..Boobus Americanus 2: I'm interested in hearing the verdict of the historians.*St. Sugar: Alwayss the same ol' sshit with these academic ass-clowns, Boobuss:
--"Single sshooter" --- Single sshooter"--- Single sshooter" --- blah blah blah! .Editor: Whorestorians will be totally discredited if this all comes out.
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