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"How to Respond to an Anti-Conspiracy Theorist"
October 09, 2023
Libtards still worship Scientism, but others are waking up to the scam.
Why So Many Americans Are Losing Trust in Science
Rebuttal By
The fallacious use of the term "science" is a favorite rhetorical tactic of Globo-Marxists and their Libtard dupes -- the former group knowing that it's a useful propaganda weapon, and the true-believing latter being oblivious to the true purpose of the coded language. Historically, all that one of these characters had to do to carry an argument was shout the intimidating term, "science" in the face of some bewildered normie, The tactic usually worked like a charm because few people have enough of a scientific or philosophical background to debunk "settled science."
Increasingly, and thankfully, more and more lay people -- on an intuitive common sense / "street smart" level -- are doubting the once sacred word of the "scientists." Covid Mania is dead -- leaving in its wake a public which has, to a large extent, now been "inoculated" (pun intended) against future scamdemic scares. Also fading fast is the Climate Con -- its "10-year" Doomsday deadlines having come and gone too many times now. One needn't be steeped in microbiology or atmospheric physics to be able to catch a whiff of the bullshit serving as the foundation for these two dangerous Globalist hoaxes.
The "paper of record" is obviously not pleased about this development. From the article -- politicized buzz words highlighted for your attention: "According to new survey data, 69 percent of Americans this past May said they had confidence in scientists to act in the public’s best interest, compared with 86 percent of Americans who, in a similar survey, said that they had confidence in scientists in January 2019.
How did we get here? Many see Americans’ anti-vaccine and anti-mask attitudes as only the latest expression of a longstanding science denialism prevalent among Republicans. This anti-science mentality, the argument goes, stems from an anti-government ideology that took root in the Republican Party during the 1980s and has matured into antipathy toward science as well. The populist skepticism unleashed by Donald Trump is the logical successor to Ronald Reagan's small-government conservatism. Yet Americans’ changing attitudes toward science in recent years reveal a rather unsettling picture. Many Americans, especially but not only conservatives, have grown highly distrustful of institutions of all kinds, creating fertile soil for conspiracies and other extreme views to take root. Distrust is also more prevalent among those who have not completed college, regardless of party."* What a load of condescending juvenile jive-talk! It isn't "science" that "those who have not completed college" are doubting; it's politicized whorish quackademia cloaking itself in pseudo-technical jargon that has lost trust. Big difference there.
Increasingly, and thankfully, more and more lay people -- on an intuitive common sense / "street smart" level -- are doubting the once sacred word of the "scientists." Covid Mania is dead -- leaving in its wake a public which has, to a large extent, now been "inoculated" (pun intended) against future scamdemic scares. Also fading fast is the Climate Con -- its "10-year" Doomsday deadlines having come and gone too many times now. One needn't be steeped in microbiology or atmospheric physics to be able to catch a whiff of the bullshit serving as the foundation for these two dangerous Globalist hoaxes.
The "paper of record" is obviously not pleased about this development. From the article -- politicized buzz words highlighted for your attention: "According to new survey data, 69 percent of Americans this past May said they had confidence in scientists to act in the public’s best interest, compared with 86 percent of Americans who, in a similar survey, said that they had confidence in scientists in January 2019.
How did we get here? Many see Americans’ anti-vaccine and anti-mask attitudes as only the latest expression of a longstanding science denialism prevalent among Republicans. This anti-science mentality, the argument goes, stems from an anti-government ideology that took root in the Republican Party during the 1980s and has matured into antipathy toward science as well. The populist skepticism unleashed by Donald Trump is the logical successor to Ronald Reagan's small-government conservatism. Yet Americans’ changing attitudes toward science in recent years reveal a rather unsettling picture. Many Americans, especially but not only conservatives, have grown highly distrustful of institutions of all kinds, creating fertile soil for conspiracies and other extreme views to take root. Distrust is also more prevalent among those who have not completed college, regardless of party."* What a load of condescending juvenile jive-talk! It isn't "science" that "those who have not completed college" are doubting; it's politicized whorish quackademia cloaking itself in pseudo-technical jargon that has lost trust. Big difference there.
1. Libtard yard-sign slogan: "SCIENCE IS REAL" // 2. The 2017 "March for Science" was triggered by Trump's pullout from the dangerous Paris Climate Scam. // 3. "Trust the science!" -- the moronic mantra of deranged commie quackademics and their "college-educated" libtard camp followers.
- Real science is defined by data gathering, hypothesis, experimentation and intense observation -- aka, the "Scientific Method." Prove your hypothesis by airtight repetition of those traditional steps and, soon enough, none will doubt it.
- But, all too often, that is NOT how modern money-driven, recognition-hungry politicized quackademics practice "science" these days. The "new" scientific method works as follows:
- 1- Discover whatever it is that the big money NWO paymasters want "proven."
- 2- "Show some leg" in order to get grant money from Globalist politicians and foundation trustees. 3- Publish the findings of your "study" in some wholly-owned journal. 4- Have the standard Fake News hype the "new study." 5- Get a bunch of other quackademic whores to bless the "science" by doing "peer review." 6- Censor, slander and ridicule any real scientist who attempts to refute your "science." 7- Mock laymen doubters as "anti-science" or "uneducated" or "right wing conspiracy theorists." 8 - Return to Step 1 and repeat over and over and over --- cha-ching -- cha-ching - cha-ching. "Trust the science?" Not when it has been corrupted by money and politics like this. In fairness to some of the Fake Scientists out there, not all of them are fork-tongued, dollar-chasing, fame-seeking criminals. A good many of these academic ass-clowns are merely honestly stupid as all heck -- as well as lazy, arrogant, insecure, stubborn and quite easily persuaded by the comical collegial circle-jerk known as "peer review."
- What a tragic farce!
FROM PROTOCOL #2 / on science
"We have persuaded them to accept theory as the dictates of science. It is with this object in view that we are constantly, by means of our press, arousing a blind confidence in these theories. The intellectuals of the Goyim will puff themselves up with their knowledges and without any logical verification of them will put into effect all the information available from science, which our agent specialists have cunningly pieced together for the purpose of educating their minds in the direction we want." AVAILABLE HERE
Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that trust in science is falling rapidly among the non-college-educated.
Boobus Americanus 2: How can people not believe in science?
St Sugar: It'ss not sscience, Boobus. It's frickin' science fiction! Quackademia needss to be bled!
Editor: Science gets distorted as bad as current events and history.
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