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"How to Respond to an Anti-Conspiracy Theorist"
October 11, 2023
Washington Rallies Behind Israel, but a Lasting Consensus May Prove Elusive
Democrats and Republicans put aside an increasingly partisan divide over Israel to condemn the Hamas attack. But that support may be harder to maintain as Israel retaliates.
Rebuttal By
For several years now, "The Editorial Board" of The Anti-New York Times has stood virtually alone in "far right" Trutherland in our repeated and passionate assertions that the Q / Trump operation has -- quietly and "under the radar" -- deballed and defanged the Zionist Mafia. This analysis drew the ire of many Black Pill addicts who -- not understanding the strategic necessity of Trump's verbal ass-kissing of, and minor concessions to, the "usual suspects" -- then angrily cancelled their subscriptions, a few even suggesting that we were Zionist shills (rolling eyes). The Board is pleased to report that several of our wayward brethren have returned with a new and improved: "I hope you're right, Mike" attitude. Welcome back! (Youse guys can rejoin the support base here)
This particular Slimes article -- and many other reports appearing all throughout "mainstream" media -- further confirm the undeniable reality that the Zionist Power over America ain't what it used to be. From the article:
The staggering Hamas surprise attack on Israel has united America’s fractious politicians behind his nation again. Sort of. Mostly. For now.
But that surface unity had already begun to fray around the edges as Israel retaliated with punishing airstrikes on Gaza, cut off food and water to the enclave and prepared for what may become a ground invasion that could further endanger Palestinian civilians. Some on the left wing of the Democratic Party were criticizing Israel for “apartheid” policies oppressing Palestinians and calling for an end to U.S. aid.
For the moment, such sentiments have been restricted to the fringes ..... The reality, however, is that the sympathy and support for Israel will be tested the longer the fighting continues and the more firepower that Israeli forces employ." * Putting aside the obvious hoaxing and crisis acting going on in both Israel and the Gaza strip -- for argument's sake only, let us pretend that a 1000 or so Israeli civilians really were massacred inside of Israel. Did any of "youse guys" ever envision that a day would come when such an "outrageous" mass murder and mass kidnapping could be inflicted upon "God's Chosen" -- and Israel would NOT then be given carte blanche by the wholly owned US Government and its minion states worldwide to siege and slaughter at will? Think about it.
But that surface unity had already begun to fray around the edges as Israel retaliated with punishing airstrikes on Gaza, cut off food and water to the enclave and prepared for what may become a ground invasion that could further endanger Palestinian civilians. Some on the left wing of the Democratic Party were criticizing Israel for “apartheid” policies oppressing Palestinians and calling for an end to U.S. aid.
For the moment, such sentiments have been restricted to the fringes ..... The reality, however, is that the sympathy and support for Israel will be tested the longer the fighting continues and the more firepower that Israeli forces employ." * Putting aside the obvious hoaxing and crisis acting going on in both Israel and the Gaza strip -- for argument's sake only, let us pretend that a 1000 or so Israeli civilians really were massacred inside of Israel. Did any of "youse guys" ever envision that a day would come when such an "outrageous" mass murder and mass kidnapping could be inflicted upon "God's Chosen" -- and Israel would NOT then be given carte blanche by the wholly owned US Government and its minion states worldwide to siege and slaughter at will? Think about it.
Some of you Black Pillers were really rough on me. No apology needed --- but do chip-in your past due shekels plus reparations.
To better appreciate the "fraying" of Zionist power, let us review just a few historical precedents of the shitty little state getting away with murder -- literally -- with the total compliance after-the-fact of the ZOG (Zionist Owned Government.)
1948 - The massacres (Deir Yassin) and ethnic cleansing of Arab villages after Israel was recognized as a nation.
1953 - The Qibya Massacre -- 69 Palestinians murdered by a secret Israeli unit
1967 - The "accidental" deadly attack on the USS Liberty, which killed 37 US sailors
1970s - The "Pacification of Gaza"
1981 - Operation Opera: The unprovoked attack on an unfinished Iraqi nuclear reactor
1982 - Operation Peace for Galilee: The merciless and protracted bombing of Lebanon
2001 - Ariel Sharon's post 9-11 brutalization of Palestinian areas -- carried out while the world was distracted
2002 - The West Bank Wall
Those totally unprovoked atrocities and acts of tyranny (and so many more lesser ones) were committed with the absolute impunity born of absolute immunity. When one owns the US political system, he can do as he pleases! But now, all of a sudden, when Israel actually has a retaliatory moral pretext -- albeit staged -- working in its favor, US support is already "fraying?" What's going on here?
While under American media and military protection, (((they))) used to get away with whatever atrocity they pleased. Left to Right: The attack on the USS Liberty (artistic rendition) -- Defense Minister Sharon engineered the 1982 massace at the Shatila and Sabra refugee camps -- Bibi Satanyahoo no longer openly pleads for the US to attack Iran. (We suspect that the real Bibi was Gitmo'd already).
Let us republish a year-old excerpt from one of the Real News and History articles which really incited some of the Black Pill crowd. In the wake of the astonishing "fraying" of US support for Israel, this will make more sense now. From How Trump Defeated the Israelis:
*** EXCERPT ***
Consider what Trump achieved while making strategically necessary cosmetic concessions to -- and blowing strategically necessary (and admittedly nauseating) kisses at -- the Israel First Mafia.
* Trump (and Putin) took out CIA / Mossad's ISIS and saved Syria.
* Trump pulled out of the Middle East and left Russia & Iran as the protectors of the region.
* Trump took out Israel's Epstein / Maxwell Island blackmail operation.
* Trump smoked out the Israel First neo-cons and chased them out of the Republican Party which they and their goy agents (Cheney, Romney, Bush et al.) had once dominated.
* Trump got Arab states to formally recognize Israel. Though this pleased the citizens of Israel, it removed the "Oy-vey-the-Arabs-want-to-push-us-into-the-sea" card from the hand of the hard core Israeli warmongers.
* Trump threw Bibi Satanyahu out like a used-up lemon rind after he finished playing him.
This was an amazing de-balling of the Zionist Monster. But for this piece, we focus on AIPAC (aka the Israel Lobby) --another once-mighty Zionist entity whose influence ain't what it used to be -- thanks in great measure to the deliberate divide & conquer tactics of Grand Chessmaster Trump.
Can you see it yet, boys and girls? Trump out-Jewed the Jew. Not only will this "war," by design, not end well for the already-defeated Zionists -- but a free, independent and secure Palestinian state will probably emerge out of it.
Stay tuned.
Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that support for Israel may already be fraying in Congress.
Boobus Americanus 2: Well, Israel certainly has every right to defend itself, but I do hope that the Israelis will stay within the boundaries of humane retaliation. We don't need this thing to escalate to World War 3.
St Sugar: Oy frickin' vey! ..... Iss there no one out there who can ssave uss??? He he he he.
Editor: "We are saving Israel for last." -- Q Post 916, March 10, 2018.
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