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"How to Respond to an Anti-Conspiracy Theorist"
October 12, 2023
Slimes Caption: A dwelling once inhabited by enslaved people will be among the exhibitions in a woodland setting at the Freedom Monument Sculpture Park in Montgomery, Ala., a national monument opening in 2024.
Alabama Sculpture Park Aims to Look at Slavery Without Flinching
The new Freedom Monument Sculpture Park, opening in early 2024 in Montgomery, Ala., arrives at a time when Black history is being debated in many states.
Rebuttal By
The latest "artistic" salvo in the never-ending War on Whites takes us to Alabama, where a monstrous obscenity is being erected to keep the memory of White-on-Black slavery alive -- forever and ever. From the article:
"When the Freedom Monument Sculpture Park opens in Montgomery, Ala., in early 2024, on a bluff flanked by railroad tracks overlooking the Alabama River, visitors will be able to arrive by boat — retracing the footsteps of tens of thousands of Africans horrifically shipped, sold, then transported by rail in the 19th century.
The park is intended to take viewers on an unflinching and moving journey through the story of slavery. The centerpiece will be a new national monument commemorating freedom: a 43-foot-tall, 150-foot-long wall, angled like an open book and inscribed with more than 120,000 distinct surnames documented in the 1870 census that were chosen by four million Black people emancipated after the Civil War. (“Washington” was most widely selected by people known previously only by their first names.)
For the approach to the monument, set in a clearing, there will be 48 sculptures by 27 artists." * An "African-American" named Bryan Stevenson, described as the founder and executive director of the Equal Justice Initiative, was the troublemaker who put this provocative counter-cultural junkyard together. Betcha' shekels to bagels that there's someone higher up in the social hierarchy than Stevenson funding this attack on America. Allow me some time to climb the investigative ladder into the clouds to see who's there. Be right back.
The park is intended to take viewers on an unflinching and moving journey through the story of slavery. The centerpiece will be a new national monument commemorating freedom: a 43-foot-tall, 150-foot-long wall, angled like an open book and inscribed with more than 120,000 distinct surnames documented in the 1870 census that were chosen by four million Black people emancipated after the Civil War. (“Washington” was most widely selected by people known previously only by their first names.)
For the approach to the monument, set in a clearing, there will be 48 sculptures by 27 artists." * An "African-American" named Bryan Stevenson, described as the founder and executive director of the Equal Justice Initiative, was the troublemaker who put this provocative counter-cultural junkyard together. Betcha' shekels to bagels that there's someone higher up in the social hierarchy than Stevenson funding this attack on America. Allow me some time to climb the investigative ladder into the clouds to see who's there. Be right back.
An advance glimpse of the macabre Marxist monstrosities set to go live in 2024
1. Project organizer Brian Stevenson of the Equal Justice Initiative sits in front of a slave shack at the Freedom Monument Sculpture Park. // 2 & 3. On the surface, Stevenson's EJI seems like a group of White and Black Marxists/ Libtards. That they certainly are, but might there be a higher power from above guiding EJI's Alabama project?
OK. I'm back. "Youse guys" will never, in a million years, guess who I discovered "above the cloudline!" (heavy on the sarcasm there).
In 1995, Stevenson was gifted $800,000 as part of the MacArthur Fellowship Award from the infamous John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation (here) In 2009, his EJI group was awarded $100,000 in grants for "Juvenile Justice," again by the MacArthur Foundation. (here)
A review of the names and faces of the current 12-member Board of Directors at the foundation reveals some interesting demographics: Seven are females and five are males. Three are Jews, eight are "people of color" -- and only one, MacArthur President John Palfrey, is a White male libtard. Having once briefly served on a Little League Baseball board with a mouthy minority threesome of cohesive J's; betcha shekels to bagels that the J trio of Klingenstein, Katzman & Minow constitute the engine driving MacArthur grants to hateful Black front men like Stevenson. Oh. but it gets better.
From a New York Slimes article headlined: George Soros’s Foundation Pours $220 Million Into Racial Equality Push --dated July 13, 2020, comes this gem:
"The foundation will invest $150 million in five-year grants for selected groups, including progressive and emerging organizations like the Black Voters Matter Fund and Repairers of the Breach. The money will also support more established Black civil rights organizations like the Equal Justice Initiative, which was founded by the civil rights lawyer Bryan Stevenson." (emphasis added)
Under. Every. Rock.
Q Post 330, December 2017: "We have a SPECIAL PLACE picked out for GS. Really special. -- Q"
As much as your humble researcher here would like to take a bow for intuitively sniffing out this connection, it would not be appropriate. Though "The Editorial Board" already knew, instinctively, what was to be discovered "in the clouds," all glory goes to The Great One (that's Hitler for all you newbies and normies) -- who taught us a long time ago:
"On putting the probing knife carefully to that kind of abscess one immediately discovered, like a maggot in a putrescent body, a little Jew who was often blinded by the sudden light." (Mein Kampf)
Indeed. Once you understand this phenomenon --which the carnival barkers of Conservative Inc. cannot speak about -- the string-pullers can't hide behind insignificant men such as Bryan Stevenson anymore.
Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that a monument park depicting the horrors of slavery will be opening in Alabama early next year.
Boobus Americanus 2: It's important for people of color to remember the suffering of their ancestors.
St Sugar: It ain't the coloreds erecting thiss garbage, Boobuss! It's da frickin' Marxisst Jewss!!!
Editor: They only care about the POCs so much as they can use them as a battering ram against the peoples of the White western world.
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