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"How to Respond to an Anti-Conspiracy Theorist"
October 16, 2023
Demonstrators during a rally in Manhattan
‘I Was Very Alone Today’: Young Jewish Americans Grieve Over Israel
In the aftermath of the attack by Hamas, they spoke of fear, shock, solidarity and helplessness.
Rebuttal By
To keep a finger on the pulse of Normiedom and thus better serve the loyal readership with sound analysis, "The Editorial Board" of The Anti-New York Times invests the necessary amount of painful time immersed in "mainstream media" noise as well as engaging in small talk with the real life normies which we are all compelled to dwell among, at least to some extent. The decrease in "I stand with Israel" sentiment among normies -- as compared to years and decades past -- is quite noticeable. This is not to say that the public is exactly turning "antisemitic" ™ -- though more and more people are indeed beginning to express empathy for the Palestinians now. Rather, it's more of a passive ZFG (Zero Fs Given) mentality that is taking hold -- a sort of Israel fatigue. "Sorry, Hymie. I got my own problems."
Just as I was thinking this, comes this article in the Jew York Slimes -- confirming these observations and hunches. The pathetic piece is based on interviews with about a dozen Jewish students who say they feel isolated. The quintessentially narcissistic Jewish moaning and groaning about this new Goy apathy is delightful to hear.
From the article:
"For many young Jewish Americans, .... that sense of isolation would not lift in the days ahead. Teachers said little or nothing about it (the Hamas "invasion"), close friends seemed not particularly interested, and on social media some people defended the attack as a justified response to Israel’s policies toward Gaza.
“It felt like I was very alone today,” said Ahuva Mahalel .....
They spoke of fear and shock, solidarity and helplessness, a newfound bond with some friends and an estrangement from others. What might have felt certain a week ago — about friends, values and identity — has been upended by the events in Israel and Gaza.
A high school senior on Long Island said she had grown nervous about explaining the Hebrew letters on her necklace to people who asked about it ......... Nearly all of the people interviewed talked about a kind of aloneness, a sense that a chasm had appeared between their network of Jewish friends and family and the non-Jewish world around them. While young Jewish people have started fund-raisers or joined letter-writing drives, they saw no comparable urgency among their peers." * Translation: Waaah! Waaah! Why aren't the Goyim standing in total solidarity with Israel? Have they forgotten about the Holocaust?!
A high school senior on Long Island said she had grown nervous about explaining the Hebrew letters on her necklace to people who asked about it ......... Nearly all of the people interviewed talked about a kind of aloneness, a sense that a chasm had appeared between their network of Jewish friends and family and the non-Jewish world around them. While young Jewish people have started fund-raisers or joined letter-writing drives, they saw no comparable urgency among their peers." * Translation: Waaah! Waaah! Why aren't the Goyim standing in total solidarity with Israel? Have they forgotten about the Holocaust?!
1. Ahuva Mahalel: “It felt like I was very alone today." // 2. Ethan Smith: “Every generation has that one thing that you can always remember exactly where you were. For me, I’m never forgetting this first weekend in October. // 3. Mac Lang: “I feel very lost about things. More than I ever have.” // 4. Sarah Wapner compares the attack to pogroms and genocide in Europe in the last century. She describes her emotions as “a state of horror, numbness, grief, fear, that is quickly giving way to rage.”
The growing indifference (and even hostility) toward Israel and Jews in general is a naturally occurring phenomenon. Most of us have or have had at least one of those whiny needy people in our lives whose sad song grows so old, so repetitive, so tiresomely draining that, after a while, we simply stop taking or returning their phone calls and decide to just let the "friendship" die naturally. It's sort of like that.
In years and decades past, the "usual suspects" were always able to restimulate the apathetic normies with periodic "booster shots" of tear-jerking Holohoax propaganda and / or shocking false-flag attacks such as the 1972 Olympics massacre, the attack on US Marines in Lebanon (1982), the hijacking of TWA 847 (1985), the killing and dumping at sea of Leon Klinghoffer (1985), the shootdown of Pan Am 103 (1988), the World Trade Center basement bombing (1993), the bombing of US embassies in Africa (1999), the 9-11-2001 attacks, the London bombings of 2001, the rash of European attacks through the presidency of Mr. & Mr. Obongo, the ISIS "beheadings" of recent years --- etc. etc. etc. But now, they can't get the goy dogs of war to froth at the mouth in anti-Muslim rage quite as easily.
Here's why -- four key social factors (among others) are at play:
1. The H-Card Has Lost Its Bite.
As we approach the 80-year anniversary of the end of World War II, the "Holocaust survivors" are almost all gone, as is the historical memory of the event that never happened in the first place. That mighty H-Card is becoming as irrelevant as, let us say, the Russian "pogroms" of the late 1800s, or the Spanish Inquistion of 1492, or the Medieval expulsions from England and France or ..... (I could go on forever with this historical list). The younger generation of goyim -- ignorant of fake history as well as real history -- simply can't be moved to tears over that song anymore. Indeed, Jewish "scholars" themselves have been expressing concern over the diminishing shelf life of the Holohoax.
2. The Deep State Has Lost Its False-Flag Muscle
Trump and the White Hats have defunded and arrested all or most of the Deep State players.That's what Executive Order 13818 was all about! Pulling off a new 9-11 "booster shot" -- to be blamed on the big bad Muslims -- is no longer an option for the CIA-Mossad Axis of Illusion.
3. People of Color Do Not Fear the Js
The "usual suspects" -- with their obsessive promotion of multicultural immigration -- have now been hoisted on their own petard (blown up by their own bombs). The increased population of Muslims, Africans, Asians and Hispanics does not carry the mental disease of White Guilt. Their protective pigmentation insulates them. These "people of color" simply don't give a flying rat's ass about charges of "antisemitism" ™ or, better still, they openly dislike Israel and "the usual suspects" --- and aren't afraid to say so.
4. Young Evangelicals Are Not the Nutty Christian Zionists That Their Parents Are
Much to the openly expressed dismay of "the usual suspects," support for Israel among millions of young Evangelicals has been falling like a rock. As the unnatural phenomenon of Christian Zionism atrophies, so too must the power of the Zionist Jews.
Read it and rejoice, Black Pill addicts. The political power of "the usual suspects" is -- by their own inadvertent admission as expressed in this whiny Slimes article -- weakening. There's nothing left for (((them))) to do now but whine about "feeling alone" as this White Hat-scripted "war" will go very badly for them -- public relations-wise.
1. Q Post 916 from 2028 targetted Israel // 2. Q Post 2150 (posted on 9-11 anniversary in 2018) "We Will Never Forgive."
Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that many young Jews feel alone over the situation in Israel and Gaza -- as if nobody cares.
Boobus Americanus 2: Well, it's tragedy -- but we can't go on fighting wars in the Middle East anymore.
St Sugar: That'ss right, Boobuss! America Firsst!
Editor: Without some "New Pearl Harbor" terrorist booster shot, Boobuss will naturally revert to "isolationism."
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