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"How to Respond to an Anti-Conspiracy Theorist"
November 06, 2023
Blasts From the Past // NY Times Archives
Rebuttal By
Dating back to times of the Egyptians, every historical era -- every century --- every decade -- has had its share of outspoken "antisemites ™." For the ones of lower societal standing, the silent treatment has generally sufficed to render them harmless to "the usual suspects." For those of higher status, however, a campaign of vicious slander and threats will usually serve to either shut them up, or discredit them in the public mind. But when a top tier figure with a large growing fan base and a dauntless heart starts to expose them and threaten the agenda, it's time for some "rough stuff."
Mr. Henry Ford and Father Charles Coughlin were two such men. Most American students of real 20th century history are already familiar with their heroic efforts to warn us about the Jewish Globalist Mafia. But what many of "youse guys" may not have been aware of -- as "The Editorial Board" of The Anti-New York Times itself was unaware of until relatively recently -- is that physical attacks were made against both men -- an assassination by car accident upon Ford in 1927; and an intimidation bombing at Coughlin's residence in 1933. Now who would want to harm such righteous civic-minded men? Hmmm?
Thanks to our paid access to New York Slimes archives -- (funded by read support - hint hint) -- we are able to resurrect these two long forgotten (buried) events.
Mr. Henry Ford and Father Charles Coughlin were two such men. Most American students of real 20th century history are already familiar with their heroic efforts to warn us about the Jewish Globalist Mafia. But what many of "youse guys" may not have been aware of -- as "The Editorial Board" of The Anti-New York Times itself was unaware of until relatively recently -- is that physical attacks were made against both men -- an assassination by car accident upon Ford in 1927; and an intimidation bombing at Coughlin's residence in 1933. Now who would want to harm such righteous civic-minded men? Hmmm?
Thanks to our paid access to New York Slimes archives -- (funded by read support - hint hint) -- we are able to resurrect these two long forgotten (buried) events.
At a time when only the wealthy could afford the first automobiles, Ford's 1913 innovation and implementation of the moving "assembly line" reduced the time that it took to build a car from 12 hours to just 90 minutes. Ford was determined to build “motor cars for the multitude." He said: "When I’m through,” everybody will have one.”
Disgusted by World War I, and well aware of (((who))) had engineered that horrible tragedy, Ford later used his name and fortune for pro-American activism. He had read The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion and stated that whether the documents were authentic or not, the global Jewish conspiracy described in the Protocols "fits the world situation." He also funded the printing of 500,000 copies of The Protocols. Ford's articles on the Jewish menace from his Dearborn Independent were later gathered in a book called "The International Jew: The World's Foremost Problem," which were distributed throughout Ford car dealerships.
After 1920s' lawsuits and boycotts initiated by the Anti-Defamation League, -- and what the New York Times itself described, in its issue of March 31 1927, as "an apparent attempt to kill Henry Ford" -- the revered auto titan's position on the Jewish question suddenly "moderated." Just three months after the attempt, Ford apologized to the Jews (or at least that's what the Jews claimed). Although the initial article reported that the identities of Ford's attackers were known, the lead was never followed up on. Ford was injured in the attempt but not too badly.
At a time when only the wealthy could afford the first automobiles, Ford's 1913 innovation and implementation of the moving "assembly line" reduced the time that it took to build a car from 12 hours to just 90 minutes. Ford was determined to build “motor cars for the multitude." He said: "When I’m through,” everybody will have one.”
Disgusted by World War I, and well aware of (((who))) had engineered that horrible tragedy, Ford later used his name and fortune for pro-American activism. He had read The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion and stated that whether the documents were authentic or not, the global Jewish conspiracy described in the Protocols "fits the world situation." He also funded the printing of 500,000 copies of The Protocols. Ford's articles on the Jewish menace from his Dearborn Independent were later gathered in a book called "The International Jew: The World's Foremost Problem," which were distributed throughout Ford car dealerships.
After 1920s' lawsuits and boycotts initiated by the Anti-Defamation League, -- and what the New York Times itself described, in its issue of March 31 1927, as "an apparent attempt to kill Henry Ford" -- the revered auto titan's position on the Jewish question suddenly "moderated." Just three months after the attempt, Ford apologized to the Jews (or at least that's what the Jews claimed). Although the initial article reported that the identities of Ford's attackers were known, the lead was never followed up on. Ford was injured in the attempt but not too badly.
Before turning against FDR's communist New Deal in 1933, the residence of the outspoken Father Charles Coughlin (pronounced COG-lin) was bombed while he was sleeping. The perpetrators were believed to be working for "certain Detroit bankers" (cough cough). The attempt to intimidate him failed. Coughlin went on to become a thorn in Franklin Delano Roosevelt's side. At his peak, he was influencing up to 30 million American listeners -- at a time when radio was king -- with his riveting Sunday afternoon broadcasts.
Similar to Hitler's speeches, Coughlin denounced the evils of both finance capitalism and communism. During the Great Depression, he called for nationalizing some natural resources and creating a government-run bank that would control the value of the dollar. Though never overtly "antisemitic," Coughlin didn't shy away from associating the nation's ills with a Cabal that was controlled by "modern Shylocks" and "money changers."
In 1935, he launched a periodical titled Social Justice which reprinted portions of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Prior to World War II, he spoke admiringly of Hitler and Mussolini and seven months before the start of World War II, Coughlin asked, “Must the entire world go to war for 600,000 Jews in Germany who are neither American nor French nor English citizens but citizens of Germany?”
Before too long, the usual suspects went to work on him. Jewish-owned CBS (Paloff) and Jewish-owned NBC (Sarnoff) -- in anticipation of (((their))) coming war -- dropped his show. And when the United States did finally enter World War II after Japan's bombing of Pearl Harbor, Coughlin's "isolationism" was considered treasonous. Invoking the Jewish-owned Woodrow Wilson's tyrannical anti-pacifist Espionage Act of 1917, the Jewish-run FDR administration revoked the low-priced second-class mailing permit that Coughlin's Social Justice magazine had enjoyed. Finally, on May 1, 1942, Catholic Church superiors ordered the Fighting Father off the airwaves completely.
That's some real history that "they" don't want normies to know about because it would enhance the understanding of the present day as well. Spread the article like butter.
Before turning against FDR's communist New Deal in 1933, the residence of the outspoken Father Charles Coughlin (pronounced COG-lin) was bombed while he was sleeping. The perpetrators were believed to be working for "certain Detroit bankers" (cough cough). The attempt to intimidate him failed. Coughlin went on to become a thorn in Franklin Delano Roosevelt's side. At his peak, he was influencing up to 30 million American listeners -- at a time when radio was king -- with his riveting Sunday afternoon broadcasts.
Similar to Hitler's speeches, Coughlin denounced the evils of both finance capitalism and communism. During the Great Depression, he called for nationalizing some natural resources and creating a government-run bank that would control the value of the dollar. Though never overtly "antisemitic," Coughlin didn't shy away from associating the nation's ills with a Cabal that was controlled by "modern Shylocks" and "money changers."
In 1935, he launched a periodical titled Social Justice which reprinted portions of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Prior to World War II, he spoke admiringly of Hitler and Mussolini and seven months before the start of World War II, Coughlin asked, “Must the entire world go to war for 600,000 Jews in Germany who are neither American nor French nor English citizens but citizens of Germany?”
Before too long, the usual suspects went to work on him. Jewish-owned CBS (Paloff) and Jewish-owned NBC (Sarnoff) -- in anticipation of (((their))) coming war -- dropped his show. And when the United States did finally enter World War II after Japan's bombing of Pearl Harbor, Coughlin's "isolationism" was considered treasonous. Invoking the Jewish-owned Woodrow Wilson's tyrannical anti-pacifist Espionage Act of 1917, the Jewish-run FDR administration revoked the low-priced second-class mailing permit that Coughlin's Social Justice magazine had enjoyed. Finally, on May 1, 1942, Catholic Church superiors ordered the Fighting Father off the airwaves completely.
That's some real history that "they" don't want normies to know about because it would enhance the understanding of the present day as well. Spread the article like butter.
Father Coughlin's reach was immense. But just like Charles Lindbergh and the "Mothers Movement," the induced attack upon Pearl Harbor immediately curtailed his influence -- exactly as FDR & his Jewish-Communist cohorts had intended.
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American Patriots Silenced by Jewish Power
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