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"How to Respond to an Anti-Conspiracy Theorist"
Don't be at a loss for words when some stupid "normie" says: "That's a conspiracy theory." No truther should be without this report!
November 19, 2023
Joaquin Phoenix as the title character in Ridley Scott’s “Napoleon.”
Ridley Scott’s Version of the Life of Napoleon
Rebuttal By
A hyped-up new “biopic” movie about Napoleon Bonaparte – directed by “Sir” Ridley Scott of “Gladiator” fame and titled, “Napoleon” -- is among the coming holiday season releases. A review of the childishly cliched trailer and various online summaries were enough to convince this “reviewer” to stay away from this Fake History garbage.
Here's what we have learned about Scott’s false (and quintessentially British) portrayal of The Great One of the 19th Century – and it’s really all that we need to know to give it a big fat "thumbs down" -- sight unseen. * Napoleon the brute who fired cannons at the pyramids, just for fun* Napoleon the fearful tyrant* Napoleon the insatiable warmonger* Napoleon the insecure megalomaniac* Napoleon the P-whipped little weasel controlled by Josephine* Napoleon the temperamental weirdo* Napoleon the blundering general
Ridley Scott should stick to what he is good at -- specifically, directing epic battle scenes set to great music -- and leave the real history to the real historians. And who exactly did the English Knight in rusty chinked armor cast in the role of the insane military leader turned insane ruler of France? None other than Joaquin Phoenix – a real life weirdo best known for his portrayal of the insane and wicked Roman Emperor Commodus in "Gladiator" (2000), and also the off-the-charts insane villain known as “Joker” in the 2019 film by the same name.
History directed by a British Knight, acted out by a quirky fool, as fed through Jewish Hollywood. No thanks.
Here's what we have learned about Scott’s false (and quintessentially British) portrayal of The Great One of the 19th Century – and it’s really all that we need to know to give it a big fat "thumbs down" -- sight unseen. * Napoleon the brute who fired cannons at the pyramids, just for fun* Napoleon the fearful tyrant* Napoleon the insatiable warmonger* Napoleon the insecure megalomaniac* Napoleon the P-whipped little weasel controlled by Josephine* Napoleon the temperamental weirdo* Napoleon the blundering general
Ridley Scott should stick to what he is good at -- specifically, directing epic battle scenes set to great music -- and leave the real history to the real historians. And who exactly did the English Knight in rusty chinked armor cast in the role of the insane military leader turned insane ruler of France? None other than Joaquin Phoenix – a real life weirdo best known for his portrayal of the insane and wicked Roman Emperor Commodus in "Gladiator" (2000), and also the off-the-charts insane villain known as “Joker” in the 2019 film by the same name.
History directed by a British Knight, acted out by a quirky fool, as fed through Jewish Hollywood. No thanks.
Ridley's rubbish is riddled with ridiculousness. His stupid film represents the latest continuation of the same British war propaganda caricatures of 200 years ago.
A mad man -- known for playing mad men -- cast by a British "Sir" to play the role of the "mad" Napoleon.
In reality, as explained in “Napoleon vs the Old and New World Orders,” by yours truly – Napoleon was NOTHING at all like the psychotic freak portrayed in “official history” and Scott’s myopic biopic. The parallels between Napoleon and The Great One of the 20th Century (that's Hitler for you newbies & normies) are really striking – which explains why he is portrayed so negatively.
Some real history:
After crushing the radical Illuminati Left of post-revolutionary France and restoring order out of chaotic tyranny, Napoleon wanted to end the British-led coalition wars against France. But the British – the quintessential British – continued to incite and organize new coalitions against France (7 wars in all between 1792-1815!). It was only after Britain induced / deceived Russia into unilaterally breaking its peace pact with France that hostilities in eastern Europe were reignited. The old monarchies of Europe, led by jealous Britain, simply would not relent until a new King from the House of Bourbon was restored in France. Most significantly – and this is what got the Rothschilds involved in directly financing Britain, Austria and Prussia for the last few coalition wars against France – Napoleon issued what “the usual suspects” to this day still whiningly refer to as “The Infamous Decree.” It was a ban on Jewish money lending – part of Napoleon’s grander scheme to transition the Jews into honest work and assimilate them out of their sense of separatism while converting them into patriotic Frenchmen – much like the righteous Jews of modern-day Iran.
Some real history:
After crushing the radical Illuminati Left of post-revolutionary France and restoring order out of chaotic tyranny, Napoleon wanted to end the British-led coalition wars against France. But the British – the quintessential British – continued to incite and organize new coalitions against France (7 wars in all between 1792-1815!). It was only after Britain induced / deceived Russia into unilaterally breaking its peace pact with France that hostilities in eastern Europe were reignited. The old monarchies of Europe, led by jealous Britain, simply would not relent until a new King from the House of Bourbon was restored in France. Most significantly – and this is what got the Rothschilds involved in directly financing Britain, Austria and Prussia for the last few coalition wars against France – Napoleon issued what “the usual suspects” to this day still whiningly refer to as “The Infamous Decree.” It was a ban on Jewish money lending – part of Napoleon’s grander scheme to transition the Jews into honest work and assimilate them out of their sense of separatism while converting them into patriotic Frenchmen – much like the righteous Jews of modern-day Iran.
1. Read Napoleon vs the Old & New World Orders. // 2. Hitler visits the tomb of Napoleon in 1940. // 3. Scene from "The House of Rothschild" (1934) sympathetically depicts the five famous Rothschild Brothers plotting to finance the takedown of Napoleon while extracting pro-Jewish concessions from Coalition belligerents Britain, Prussia and Austria in exchange.
"I have undertaken to reform the Jews, but I have not endeavoured to draw more of them into my realm. Far from that, I have avoided doing anything which could show any esteem for the most despicable of mankind."
- Napoleon, from a private letter to his brother, Jerome.
During his glorious reign – and in spite of being distracted again and again and again by wars not of his choosing -- Napoleon accomplished many things for his grateful people. That would include the establishment of an egalitarian system of advanced public education still in place today --the lycée; and a legal code (which he personally contributed to) that is also still in place today -- le Code Napoleon. He established both the Jew-free Bank of France and the French Bourse (stock exchange), as well as a system of just and reasonable taxation. The income and quality of life for French peasants improved dramatically.
Thousands of miles of roads and canals were completed; the Great Cornice Road was constructed along the French Riviera; mountain roads were constructed across the Alps; harbors were dredged and many ports were expanded. Paris was beautified with boulevards and bridges which awestruck tourists today flock to. The true historical records shows that Napoleon was a man of culture, education, ideals, development and yes, PEACE! Like Hitler, he became a dauntless warrior only when war was forced upon him by the usual suspects -- the British-Rothschild-Illuminati Axis. The eternal “bad guy / crazy tyrant” historical portrayal makes a whole lot more sense now, doesn’t it?
Thousands of miles of roads and canals were completed; the Great Cornice Road was constructed along the French Riviera; mountain roads were constructed across the Alps; harbors were dredged and many ports were expanded. Paris was beautified with boulevards and bridges which awestruck tourists today flock to. The true historical records shows that Napoleon was a man of culture, education, ideals, development and yes, PEACE! Like Hitler, he became a dauntless warrior only when war was forced upon him by the usual suspects -- the British-Rothschild-Illuminati Axis. The eternal “bad guy / crazy tyrant” historical portrayal makes a whole lot more sense now, doesn’t it?
Napoleon the Great left a legacy of progress that is still appreciated by Frenchmen both right and left.
Napoleon to the Tsar Alexander I:
"The time has come for Europe to live in quiet, sheltered from the malicious influence of England. Why this war?
What good is it to kill one another when our peoples have so much mutual respect, so many grounds to be friends?"
Hitler addressing the Reichstag:
"I have always expressed to France my desire to bury forever our ancient enmity and bring together these two nations, both of which have such glorious pasts. I have devoted no less effort to the achievement of an Anglo-German friendship. Why should this war be fought?"
Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that a new Ridley Scott movie about Napoleon is coming out next week. It stars Joaquin Pheonix as Napoleon.
Boobus Americanus 2: Pheonix plays the part of crazy men very well. I can't wait to see it.
St Sugar: It'ss a frickin' wonder how the normie mind eagerly acceptss anything on the Jew Big Screen as reality!
Editor: Indeed. The first tear-jerking Holohoax tales reached Americans by way of cinema newsreels played just before the movies started.
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