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December 10, 2024
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* BLAST FROM THE PAST * June 23, 1968 NY Times: Secretive S.D.S.
During last week's national convention of the Students for a Democratic Society in East Lansing, Mich., reporters sent plaintive dispatches about tight security rules that barred the press from some meetings.
Rebuttal By
It's often been said that: "Rome wasn't built in a day." True indeed, and neither was Rome, nor its various offspring --which we collectively refer to as "Western Civilization" -- torn down in a day either. It was a decades-long process which started with the Jewish "intellectuals" of the "Frankfurt School" -- a cancer which spread to the elite universities of the United States after The Great One (that's Hitler for you newbies & normies) rose to power and disinfected Germany of its dangerous doctrine known as "critical theory."
By the date of today's selected historical article from 1968, the first legions of academic subversives had already been trained and groomed for the purpose of penetrating the key institutions in what they themselves referred to as "the long march through the institutions." The article describing the Students for Democratic Society describes the organization as "radical Left" --- and when Sulzberger's Slimes, aka "the paper of record," tags a group as "radical Left," imagine how bad it must have been! From the article:
"The S.D.S., a New Left radical group, claims 35,000 members in chapters on 300 campuses.
*Editor's Note: By 1970, S.D.S. had an estimated 100,000 members. Its rapid growth from just 1000 members in 1962 was a clear indication of a Deep State-planned, financed and executed project.
The rhetoric and banners of the Jewish-led SDS were those of radical Marxists, some of them violent. They hijacked the anti-war and civil rights causes to promote a campus agenda consisting of anti-Americanism / anti-God / anti-business and anti-White-ism.
In later years, before his death, an early SDS leader, Todd Gitlin (cough cough) gloated about achieving today's "political correctness" -- now often referred to as "wokeism."
"My generation of the New Left relinquished any title to patriotism without much sense of loss. All that was left to the Left was to unearth righteous traditions and cultivate them in universities. The much-mocked political correctness of the next academic generations was a consolation prize. We lost — we squandered the politics — but we won the textbooks.".Gitlin was a God-hating, White-hating, America-hating scumbag of the lowest order. What he described was the gradualistic success of the Left's "Frankfurt School" strategy known as "the long march through the institutions." When instant revolution is not possible, Frankfurt "critical theorists" pursue gradual Marxist evolution. . The SDS eventually splintered due to rival factionalism -- with one faction (The Weathermen) going full-blown terrorist, and others (such as Bill & Hilary Clinton) becoming "long marchers." One can only imagine how many of that Red Army of "intellectuals" -- many from wealthy well-connected families and "elite" universities -- went on to shed their slob image and quietly blend and rise into key institutions -- all the while maintaining their radical activism and seething hatred for all things normal, natural and beautiful.
"My generation of the New Left relinquished any title to patriotism without much sense of loss. All that was left to the Left was to unearth righteous traditions and cultivate them in universities. The much-mocked political correctness of the next academic generations was a consolation prize. We lost — we squandered the politics — but we won the textbooks.".Gitlin was a God-hating, White-hating, America-hating scumbag of the lowest order. What he described was the gradualistic success of the Left's "Frankfurt School" strategy known as "the long march through the institutions." When instant revolution is not possible, Frankfurt "critical theorists" pursue gradual Marxist evolution. . The SDS eventually splintered due to rival factionalism -- with one faction (The Weathermen) going full-blown terrorist, and others (such as Bill & Hilary Clinton) becoming "long marchers." One can only imagine how many of that Red Army of "intellectuals" -- many from wealthy well-connected families and "elite" universities -- went on to shed their slob image and quietly blend and rise into key institutions -- all the while maintaining their radical activism and seething hatred for all things normal, natural and beautiful.
1. After Hitler came to power in Germany, many of the "long marchers" of the infamous "Frankfurt School" fled to American universities, most importantly, Columbia University, which hosted them. // 2 & 3. Gitlin then, and more recently -- Before his death in 2022, he gloated about how the long march eventually "won the textbooks."
Just as the buttoned-up, normal-looking early SDS eventually spawned the outwardly radical drugged-up "hippies," there was an earlier stage of the "long march" during the post-war years and the 1950s. You see, since the days of the French Revolution, the "students" have always been and will always be nothing more than stupid malleable clumps of raw material. Before the "usual suspects" could fry the minds and pollute the souls of their star-struck students, they had to capture the top spots at the "elite" universities. Once inside the ivy walls of the college towns, the NWO's hand-picked presidents then lowered the drawbridge and allowed the Marxist professors to invade. With these operatives placed in the key spots, the radicalization of the next generation of "leaders" could commence and, over the course of time, spread like a commie cancer both outwardly into society, and also downward into the high schools and elementary schools.
.It is very interesting to note that during this era of conservative appearance, three men closely associated with the mass-murdering Globalist traitor Dwight D. Eisenhower served as university presidents. Under the reign of each of these traitors, the important universities which they oversaw eagerly gobbled up UNESCO material and let radical professors in to establish, or enhance, the Bolshevik beachhead.
.The three were: Eisenhower ("Ike") himself (Columbia University); his brother Milton Eisenhower (Kansas State, Penn State & Johns Hopkins); and Ike's speech writer, Malcolm Moos (University of Minnesota). Back then, very few people would have believed or could have foreseen that such "respectable" and patriotic-seeming individuals were deliberately laying the "long march" groundwork for the counter-cultural SDS hippiedom of the 1960s and the "Critical Race Theory" of today. But that's exactly what they, and many other suit-wearing, conservative-appearing college presidents did.
Oh, what a "march" it has been!
1. To add a phony air of "intellectualism" to the resume of the untalented "war hero" who would later become president, the "powers that be" arranged for Eisenhower to do a stint as president of elite Columbia. Under his watch, commie professors were brought in and protected (see "I Don't Like Ike"). // 2. Ike's Brother Milton injected UNESCO poison into the THREE universities he presided over at varying times. (Above, at Penn State) // 3. Malcolm Moos of Minnesota U -- an extreme Left Globalist -- along with Milton, wrote Eisenhower's famous "Military Industrial Complex" warning speech. It was really meant as a "warning" that the "MIC" (Q / Trump) could one day overthrow the New World Order.
'They are turning our students into communists!"
Trump and the Q Team understand the significance of SDS and the Frankfurt School.
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Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the Anti-New York Times today about how the Students for Democratic Society changed the culture.
Boobus Americanus 2: The hippie generation is well into their 60s and 70s now. *St Sugar: Frickin' sspoiled brats were handed everything and decided to desstroy insstead of presserve!
Editor: They proclaimed themselves as "anti-Establishment." They then BECAME the Establishment!
Boobus Americanus 2: The hippie generation is well into their 60s and 70s now. *St Sugar: Frickin' sspoiled brats were handed everything and decided to desstroy insstead of presserve!
Editor: They proclaimed themselves as "anti-Establishment." They then BECAME the Establishment!
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