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December 16, 2024
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NY Times: What We Know About Reports of Drone Sightings in New Jersey and New York
Reports of flying objects continue to occur throughout the region. State and local officials say they do not pose a threat but have provided few answers.
Rebuttal By
Dronemania has really taken hold here in the NY / NJ media "epicenter" of the United States and, by extension in some respects, the western world. The captivating sightings of bright objects started in Northern New Jersey and have since spread throughout the region. Folks here in our neck of the woods aren't exactly frightened, not even all that concerned. But everyone is talking about the objects as curiosity seems to mount by the day. What's going on here?
Neither answers nor speculative forecasts to report, boys and girls. Sorry. But there are some data points to piece together as we await the grand finale (if there is to be one) of this latest act in "The Movie." And yes, the weighing in on this mystery by Commander Trump himself, as well as the likes of Q Operative Marjorie Taylor Greene, FOX News, Alex Jones et al. indicate that this is indeed being scripted, for reasons unclear at this time, by the White Hats. Unless, of course, one actually believes that "Iran" or "Russia" is launching the drones from an offshore 'Mother Ship" (rolling eyes). Frankly, it is doubtful that even the normiest of normies would be inclined to believe such a thing. Rather, the preliminary majority sentiment, as far as we can tell, seems to be that "our own government" is acting suspicious. From the article:
"Federal authorities investigating the sightings have provided few answers about what the objects are or their origin, leaving residents unsettled and local leaders frustrated. Lawmakers have expressed frustration with the lack of information, and are urging the federal government to share more about its investigation.
President-elect Donald J. Trump also weighed in, suggesting that the government was concealing information about the sightings."
1. Trump mocked ex-NJ Governor Chris Christie by posting an image of drones bringing him cheeseburgers and fries. // 2 & 3. A big story here in NYC Metro area. The news is now spreading nationwide.
Could it be the White Hats are once again framing the already-extinct Black Hats as part of the Great Replay / Scare Event that we are anticipating? It's hard to imagine any other type of scenario, but we can only wait and see. It's also possible that the whole thing is a distraction of some sort which will fade away in the coming days. Just know this --- should Dronemania escalate into a "crisis," understand that Patriots Are In Control and that there is nothing to fear.
Speaking of Q-ology, let's review some posts which may (or may not) be relevant to this ongoing and unfolding mystery:
Q Post 593 (then repaerted as 594) / January 22, 2018
Drones over US.Tracking only.Q
Q Post 1183 // April 19, 2018
EO (Executive Order).Treason.Update.Read.Study the EOs.Follow the ‘pen’.EOs post ‘pen’ pics.Connect.Learn.SKY EVENT. (all caps are Q's)Q
Interesting. Let's see what happens. Pass the popcorn.
The story has gone international.
Conspiracy Theories are suddenly acceptable.
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Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that the Feds don't seem to be telling local officials everything there is to know about these drones.
Boobus Americanus 2: It does seem like there is a coverup going on. How can the government not know? *St Sugar: It'ss a frickin' consspiracy, Boobuss!
Editor: If we can get Boobuss to mistrust the Feds, that will represent great progress in terms of his overall thought process.
Boobus Americanus 2: It does seem like there is a coverup going on. How can the government not know? *St Sugar: It'ss a frickin' consspiracy, Boobuss!
Editor: If we can get Boobuss to mistrust the Feds, that will represent great progress in terms of his overall thought process.
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