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Trump and the ExeQution of John McCain
Just how much did Commander Trump despise that evil bastard John McStain? So much so, that even nine months after having him secretly executed, a ship bearing the name of the deceased Arizona Senator was concealed from Trump's vicinity. Headline and opening paragraph below:
May 30, 2019
"The White House’s directive to hide a Navy destroyer named after Senator John McCain during President Trump’s recent visit to a naval base in Japan was driven, administration officials said on Thursday, by a fear of bad visuals — the name of the president’s nemesis clearly visible in photographs of him."
"When several sailors from the McCain — wearing uniforms that bore the ship’s name and insignia — turned up anyway at the Wasp to hear Mr. Trump’s speech, they were turned away, the service member said."
Right up until the time of John McStain's execution and wrinkled flag funeral in August, 2018 -- which Q accurately forecast to the day, and then claimed to be a secret execution (action) for treason -- both Q and Trump refused to utter the name of that rancid evil monster. Q posts, many of them menacing, only referred to the Republican't Arizona Senator as "no name." And Trump, on several occasions while referring to his hated enemy, synced perfectly with Q by saying: "We don't like to say his name." .More headlines:.New York Post (August 13, 2018): Trump Signs Bill Named After McCain, Doesn’t Mention Him New York Times (August 13, 2018): Trump Talks for 28 Minutes on Bill Named for John McCain. Not Mentioned: McCain..With this historical context in mind, we can now clearly see that the covering up of McStain's name and the isolation of the ship bearing it were part of a deliberate continuation of Trump's decree that the name not be uttered or seen. It reminds us of that scene in the classic film, "The 10 Commandments," in which the Pharaoh decrees that the name of Moses (Charlton Heston) must never be spoken again. It is the ultimate show of disrespect. Nearly one year after that rotten Son-of-Hell was taken out and Trump was still shitting on his grave -- a grave which, in spite of his phony "war hero" status, is not at the coveted Arlington National Cemetery for military "heroes."
Hillary was also fitted. Like McStain, she too was later executed -- which is why Trump now refers to her as "beautiful Hillary."
McStain was fitted with an ankle boot to conceal his GPS tracking house-arrest device. He later switched ankles from right to left!
"No Name" was exposed or threatened in 35 separate Q Posts (more than 70 total mentions) including ones claiming that he was guilty of "treason," faking cancer and in a "panic." . Two posts cryptically forecast the date of his death (execution) and another later gloated about having called the date.
Q 1649 // Jun 30, 2018
An Anon: Please do not let no name off the hook. he is a disgrace to veterans across this great country and needs to be held accountable.
No Name action.Every dog has its day.Enjoy the show.
No Name = McStain died on August 25th -- the eve of National Dog Day (26th).
Q 1850 // Aug 11
No Name - Republican [Departure Soon]
Q 2083 // Sep 04, 2018
No Name action.
Every dog has its day.
Enjoy the show.
(New Post)
What are the odds?
One week after after McStain's August execution, Q gloated about his June post.
On National Dog Day, August 26, every newspaper in the country went wall-to-wall with tributes to McStain. "Every dog has his day," indeed!
1. August 27, 2018 : As McCain's body began its Arizona to Washington viewing trek, Trump continued to disrespect his dead nemesis --- as Melania Trump symbolically helped to plant an "Eisenhower sapling" in what looked like a rectangular grave. The sapling, born from the Eisenhower Oak Tree on the White House grounds, symbolizes that Admiral John McCain, the traitor and father to Senator McStain, was wholly made by President Dwight Eisenhower. And now, "sapling" John McStain was being buried.
Disrespect for a criminal and traitor.
1 & 2. Pharaoh Trump was serious about his "no name" decree! // 3. Not only did Trump evidently deny McCain a place at the hallowed grounds of Arlington National Cemetery; but McCain's grave at the Naval Academy looks like that of anybody else. Two whole months passed before a headstone was even placed, and there is no indication that any "war hero" is buried there.
Lest anyone think that Trump went too far in beating the stinking putrescent carcass of this dead jackass, a quick, bullet-point review of McStain's record of infamy is in order:
* Entitled son of an Admiral who graduated 4th from the very bottom of class at the Naval Academy* Crashed 4 navy planes --- reputed to have started a ship fire while "hot-dogging" -- killing many sailors* Phony "war hero" -- gave information to his Vietnamese captors in exchange for preferential treatment* 1990's: Obstructed efforts to locate and repatriate American Prisoners of War from Vietnam* One of five crooked Senators of the infamous "Keating Five" scandal. (Google it)* Member of the Globalist Council on Foreign Relations* Attendee of secretive Globalist Bilderberg meetings* Known for his bad tempered foul-mouth abuse of fellow Senators (usually conservatives!)* A fanatical, bloodthirsty warmonger -- key player in starting the disastrous Iraq War* Advocated for direct confrontation with North Korea, Syria, Iran and Russia* Saved ObongoCare from repeal, just to embarrass Trump* A favorite puppet of George Soros and the Fake News. * Stirred up the overthrow of Ukarine's legitimate government* An admirer of Hillary Clinton -- helped her in 2016 by refusing to endorse Trump * Attempted to overthrow Donald Trump during the Russia hoax .And there's more --- much more. Good retroactive riddance to this evil treasonous bastard swine -- and even better riddance to the memory of his name. Thank Q, Commander Trump.
* Entitled son of an Admiral who graduated 4th from the very bottom of class at the Naval Academy* Crashed 4 navy planes --- reputed to have started a ship fire while "hot-dogging" -- killing many sailors* Phony "war hero" -- gave information to his Vietnamese captors in exchange for preferential treatment* 1990's: Obstructed efforts to locate and repatriate American Prisoners of War from Vietnam* One of five crooked Senators of the infamous "Keating Five" scandal. (Google it)* Member of the Globalist Council on Foreign Relations* Attendee of secretive Globalist Bilderberg meetings* Known for his bad tempered foul-mouth abuse of fellow Senators (usually conservatives!)* A fanatical, bloodthirsty warmonger -- key player in starting the disastrous Iraq War* Advocated for direct confrontation with North Korea, Syria, Iran and Russia* Saved ObongoCare from repeal, just to embarrass Trump* A favorite puppet of George Soros and the Fake News. * Stirred up the overthrow of Ukarine's legitimate government* An admirer of Hillary Clinton -- helped her in 2016 by refusing to endorse Trump * Attempted to overthrow Donald Trump during the Russia hoax .And there's more --- much more. Good retroactive riddance to this evil treasonous bastard swine -- and even better riddance to the memory of his name. Thank Q, Commander Trump.
1.McStain was manufactured by Fake News hype // 2. All chummy with George Soros // 3. Bosom buddies -- Demonrat Hillary and Republican't McStain showed what a Globalist scam the "two-party system" was before Trump arrived.
FLASHBACKHeadline: CNN // October 2017 ."Trump warns McCain: "Be Careful Because at Some Point I Fight Back.".
"He was taking shots at you again yesterday," Plante said. "You heard what he said yesterday, Sen. McCain?""Yeah, well I hear it. And people have to be careful because at some point I fight back," Trump said. "I'm being very nice. I'm being very, very nice. But at some point I fight back, and it won't be pretty."

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Ohio Governor John Kasich let slip that McStain was "put to death." (Video clip)
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