Random Excerpted Illustrations & Captions from: The Song That Never Ends by Mike S King
There are Jewish researchers and writers who deny that there was an extermination effort or "gas chambers."
The internment of Jews and Communists was intended to be a temporary wartime security precaution. Hitler's ultimate plan was to set up a Jewish homeland in Madagascar, after the war.
The Detention Camps had lots fun activities for the internees and children. These included soccer leagues, concerts and shows.
"Deny" the Holocaust, and go to jail!
The post-World War II Nuremberg Tribunals used fake evidence and false confessions under torture to unjustly condemn the Germans of "war crimes."
That's all you're getting, for now! Intrigued? Mind blown yet? . There is so MUCH MORE to learn. Order your pdf or paperback copy of "The Song That Never Ends" and also, "The Bad War" today -- and remember: . Fake History is the Fake News That Has Passed Into the Rearview Mirror. *
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