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By Mike King
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A good amount of E-mail and even some old fashioned 'Snail-Mail' flows into the inboxes of RN&H & The Anti-New York Times. We don't always have a chance to respond, but we do read and reflect upon every incoming message (except the novels). In addition to the fan mail (and some of the hate mail -- which I also enjoy!) interesting items pertaining to news and history also come in. Some of it is new to us and greatly appreciated, but there is also no lack of hoaxes and falsely attributed quotes floating around the alternative news community.
.A reader once called our attention to a sentence which he claimed appeared in the New York Slimes back in 1914. It was said to be from an obituary for a very prominent, Zionist leader named David Wolfsohn, and allegedly contained a stunning statement of admission:
."... he (David Wolfsohn) pleaded for greater unity among the Jews and said that eventually they must conquer the world." (emphasis added)
.Though such a sentiment (held in private) would not at all be surprising, the idea that the Slimes would publish it did not seem credible. Gotta have receipts for something like this -- so it was not going to be shared with our readers until a dive was taken into The Times Machine Archive (a service that is paid for each month from the support of readers -- hint, hint). Lo and behold -- and Holy Crap! Look what the cat sniffed out and brought back from page 9 of the September 17, 1914 issue:
"They must conquer the world." -- Yikes! Sounds like something right out of The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion!
Wolfsohn's death occurred just weeks after the start of World War I - a tragic conflict which would end up witnessing the Rothschild-British takeover of Palestine from conquered Turkey (a German ally) and the eventual betrayal of the independence-seeking Arabs who helped the British to defeat the Turks.
.It is interesting to note that in the very same issue of the Slimes; propaganda cheap shots, aimed at Turkey (often referred to as "the sick man of Europe") were already being launched. The Zionists already had it in mind to eventually drag the U.S. into the war so that the struggling British could still win the war and then steal Palestine for the Zionists. ('Balfour Declaration).Thank you to The Slimes for letting this bit of "conspiracy theory" about Mr. Wolfsohn and his greasy gang leak out to the public - albeit inadvertently. Let's spread this page around!
Patient little demons aren't they? Zionist Delegation of long-term schemers photographed in Turkish ruled - Arab populated Jerusalem, 1898. From left to right: Joseph Seidener, Moses T. Schnirer, Theodor Herzl, David Wolfsohn, Max Bodenheimer
Discover many more buried truths such as this in Mike King's classic: THE BAD WAR
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